I could have stopped her...

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Before Chloe left Cole's house...

Ryder's POV
*Ring* *Ring ring* my phone goes of beside me, I turn picking it up to see it's nine in the morning, wonderful. It's Tom calling, I wonder what he wants, I answer it anxiously.
"Hello Tom what's wrong?" I hesitate.
"Ugh Ryder... Um Chloe is missing, I called the police but I'm real worried man can you come over?" He sounded really stressed, damn this is serious. Wait missing? Oh no no this can't be happening.
"I'm on my way" I say hanging up and grabbing my coat. I ran to my car and sped to Toms house, I don't know why but I have a really bad feeling in my gut- something is really wrong or something really wrong is about to happen. I knock on the door harshly, Tom answers it with a really depressed look on his face. "Oh thank the Lord you're here we need to find her" Tom says walking with me to their front room where the whole family is sitting. Luke, Kyle and Tim all have their head in their hands whilst everyone else either has tear stained faces, tears running down their faces or simply depressed looks on their faces. I then realise that Shawn, Lucy, Mia and Lilly are here, this is bad. "What the hell happened?" I asked a little harshly for their state. The girls where all crying and Shawn was clenching and unclenching his jaw and fists. Luke looked up to me sighing, "she finally told us the whole story about our parents. She cried into Shawn and then said how she knew she was a murderer and that we hate her but she wishes it was her" I am so confused. Surely they would have told her that they didn't think that though. "You told her that it wasn't true though right, so why did she leave?" I asked still completely and utterly confused and anxious. Kyle looked up crying, "no one could speak, our parents died horribly and I seriously don't know how Chloe has been so strong since then. We were all in too much shock to speak" I was getting a tad angry now. They let Chloe think she was a murderer. I gulped, "we need to find her" I say before we all leave.
I can remember Chloe tell me something about this tree in the park once so I'm going to look there first. I jump out of my car once I quickly park it. I can see the big oak tree but no one is near that, then I notice the knocked down tree over the lake creating a bridge. Their is a girl standing in the middle stretching out her arms, wait that's Chloe! "CHLOE" I scream but she doesn't react, I sprint over to the bridge in time to see her take a small shuffle forward. She is going to jump if I don't stop her. I start panicking as I stand at the end of the fallen tree, I say hopefully, "Chloe please come here, don't jump. Please Chloe just come to me and everything will be alright." She looks so broken as she stares into the water bellow then she speaks up, "I'm sorry Ryder but I killed them, I killed my own parents. I don't deserve to live" She is crying softly. I sob loudly thinking about how broken she is, she turns her head looking sorrowful. She takes one last breath saying "I wish it was me" before falling. She falls forward as I jump onto the bridge trying to grab her but it's too late she falls helplessly. She lands head first into the water, I sob and sob falling onto my knees. She sinks into the water thrashing about. I pull out my phone dialling 911.
"Hello 911 what is your emergency?"
"Help please my best friend just tried to kill herself she is still underwater please help" I cry pleadingly.
"Ok sir where are you? Who are you with? What is happening?"
"I'm at the park by Lilly's cafè, I'm alone with my friend, she is under water and she is thrashing about please help. She can't die I need her"
"Okay sir I need you to calm down and breath. An ambulance and the police are on their way now. Can you tell me you and your friends full name please?"
"My name is Rider Jones and my friends name is Chloe Clarkson. Wait she has stopped thrashing about please hurry I can't let her die"
"We are going as fast as we can sir just tell me what is happening"
I explain everything to the lady at the end of the line as sirens sound loudly threw the streets coming towards the park. I sit crying my eyes out as I watch my best friend slowly dying in the water. Still. She is doing nothing it's scary. She looks dead as she sinks to the bottom. Suddenly everything is in slow motion as an officer dives into the water retrieving Chloe. When they come back to the surface I instantly know she isn't breathing. She is white as a ghost, her lips are blue, her mouth is open and she is completely still. Paramedics rush around putting Chloe on a stretcher and Officers trying to talk to me but I can't hear anything. All I can see is Chloe looking so lifeless but somehow at peace. She looks so carefree yet so breakable. She looks dead yet angelic. She looks like an angel.
"Sir please can you tell us what happened and your names? Who can we call" an officer says finally getting my attention. I blink rapidly at him thinking, "um I'll call her eldest brother" I say getting my phone out. I slide down to Toms contact and click ring. (Italic is Tom and normal is Ryder)
Um Tom hey
Ryder what's wrong? Have you found her? Where is she? Is she okay?
Tom I need you to relax. Yes I found Chloe. We are on our way to the hospital. I'm sorry but no she isn't okay.
What the hell do you mean Ryder?
I'm really sorry Tom but I couldn't stop her. I tried I really did but when I found her she was on that fallen tree bridge thing at the park and I ran up to her and pleaded for her to come down but she stepped forward. The police and paramedics came and well she doesn't look to good I'm so sorry.
... No no no no no this can't be happening... BOYS GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW
I'm sorry guys I'll meet you at the hospital, stay safe.
(End of phone call)
I hang up crying my eyes out, he sounded so heartbroken. I then noticed paper flying in the wind stuck into the big oak tree. I walked forward and took them in my hand. My eyes had to check twice, these are her suicide notes. I felt my heart smash then and there. Why the hell didn't I stop her? I should have simply grabbed her, I could have grabbed her! I should have saved her, I could have saved her. Why the fuck didn't I save her? This is all my fault, I could have saved her yet I didn't. Guilt filled me up as I completely broke down. "Sir would you like to come with us into the ambulance and the police can talk to you later as you are clearly not in a state to talk" a young paramedics said crouching down next to me with her hand on my shoulder. Nodding I shoved the notes into my back pocket and stood up. She steadied my walk as we got into the ambulance. She got in next to me and started doing things to Chloe whilst I took her cold hand in mine. Damn she was freezing, she looks so dead it breaks my heart. I love this girl to bits and here she is lying in an ambulance in front of me lifeless.
We soon reached the hospital as they frantically rushed Chloe in shouting stuff as doctors and nurses hurried her passed a doorway. I tried following behind before a nurse stepped in front of me, "I'm sorry sir but you can't go in there, we will come talk to you as soon as we get any information" I nodded my head in understanding.

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