He slapped me?!?

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All the guys were yelling my name to come backdown stairs but I didn't listen to them as me and the girls enjoyed our day....

Chloe's POV
The next morning I had school so I went to bed at ten and slept perfectly dreaming of life with a loved one.
My alarm clock bleeped annoyingly as I got out of bed and turned it of. School great I thought sarcastically as I took a shower and dried myself of. I got changed into my pink Victoria secret lace underwear, skin tone tights, black pumps, a black pencil skirt that goes to mid thigh and a loose t-shirt that says cool story bro that I tucked loosely into my skirt. I added my black curve blazer and did light makeup accompanied by straitening my hair. Once I was done I grabbed my bag and phone as I went into the kitchen, everyone was sitting there eating there breakfast silently. "Morning guys" I said as I made my tea, a chorus of mornings went around as I sat cross legged on the side. "Hurry up babe I wanna take you to school today" James said getting his phone out of his back pocket. "Cool are we doing anything after school today?" I asked no one in particular. "Ugh no I don't think so why?" Luke said making his toast, "just wondering.... Can we go now James?" I asked quickly. Everyone eyed me suspiciously before Tom looks at me asking seriously, "what have you eaten first?" I sigh and grab a mountain drew with a slightly burnt peace of toast. I ate it before grabbing James and running out of the house shouting bye and loves you. I got into the passenger seat as James sat in the drivers seat, starting up his car he broke the silence asking, "so what was that all about?" I raise my eyebrow in confusion, "what was what about big bro?" He just chuckles before saying, "you were rushing out and answered way to quickly when Luke said we weren't doing anything after school so what are you planning?" I faked hurt pouting, "I am not planning anything why would you think that?" He just gives me a knowing look so I turn the radio on, one direction Olivia comes on as me and James sing along. (A/N video on the side sorry only one I could find that had the actual song in it xx) he sounded awful, "ok Ok Stop you sound shit" I laugh as he fakes hurt by pouting and putting his hand on his heart. "Well I can't believe I'm saying this but you're an incredible singer Chloe" he smiles looking at me. At that moment I remember mum and dad and shake my head. "Chloe are you okay what is wrong?" James saying looking to me concerned. "Ugh nothing just watch the road" I say with my parents still swimming in my head. Soon enough we reached school but just as I went to open the door James locks it looking at me, I look at him confused "w-why did you l-lock the doors?" He loudly sighs before shaking his head at staring me dead in the eyes to be honest it kind of scared me, "James s-stop you're scaring m-me" his face softened but he still stared into my eyes like he was exploring my head searching through every lost file. "What is wrong with you Chloe?" He says a little to harsh than I think he was meant to say but nevertheless he was scaring me shitless. "James please l-let me o-out" I could feel an attack coming on. "No Chloe what has happened to you? you're constantly lying to us, your depressed you're not telling us about important things just like your fucking anxiety! Seriously Chloe what the fuck happened?!?" He was full on shouting now, I felt a warm and salty tear fall down my face landing in my lap as I coward away in the corner. My breaths became choppy and short. "I'm serious Chloe you need to stop being a difficult burden to us all!" He screamed spitting the venom of his words in my face. That hit me hard. Am I really a burden to everyone just being difficult? "Your a fucking bitch" he shouts before I felt a stinging in my cheek. He hit me! My own fucking brother hit me! I was full on breaking down now with an attack on the brink of exploding. I looked to James his face fell as pain shot through his eyes, "oh god Chloe I'm so sorry" he says as tears brimmed his guilty eyes. He tried to cuddle me but I automatically pushed farther into the door. He looked even more pained as he slowly unlocked the door, I ran out and sprinted away from the school. I ran down the street to an ally before completely breaking down. I could feel something warm and slimly dripping from the side of my cheek. I pushed two fingers to the liquid to find blood. Fabulous he even made me bleed. I was having a full on break down as I couldn't control anything that I was doing.
A few hours later I had calmed down but I was still crying as a group of girls and guys walk down the ally. My mind was just repeating danger leave danger leave now danger but I was to distressed to do anything so I just brought my knees to my head as I silently wept. "Chloe? What are you doing here" I heard a male voice that I recognised as Coles say, I looked up to see him and his group looking down at me concerned. I tried to cover it up by getting into my feet and wiping away my tears even though my cheek had not yet stopped bleeding, "oh nothing sorry don't worry about it" I smiled. They looked anything but convinced. "Babe tell us what happened, oh fuck who slapped you that hard?" Cole said realising my cheek had a hug hand mark imprinted with bruises and blood. "No one I'm fine really" I say walking away but someone grabbed me and pulled me back to the wall. It was Rickson he held me in place as Cole searched my eyes, "tell me who did this now" he said coldly and demandingly. I hung my head in defeat before whispering so quietly it was almost inaudible "James" they all looked shocked. "Wait you mean your brother James?" Sam asked from behind Cole. I nodded my head before being embraced in a huge hug from Cole, I was taken back at first but soon wrapped my arms around him too. "Why did he do it?" He whispered sounding hurt, "I don't know I was getting out the car when he suddenly locked the doors, he started shouting at me and said I was just a difficult burden to every one then he called me a fucking bitch before slapping me" I said as new tears flew down my cheeks. Cole brushed them away with his thumb whilst looking me in the eye saying, "you are not a difficult burden I promise and you are by far not a fucking bitch if anyone was it would be him" I laughed at the last bit before he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk to his house with everyone behind us.

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