Back Pains

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"WAKE UP BEFORE I THROW YOU IN THE POOL" someone screams in my ear waking me up startled, "Tim!" I shouted as he darted from my room, I chased after him seeking revenge. He ran into Tom's bedroom, I followed him in as he ran across the bed. He then sprinted to Luke's room doing the same as he sprinted across the bed, again I did the same in need to kill him. He then did this in Kyle's, John's, Liam's, James and Louis', TJ's and Jayce's bedroom before I finally cought him at the top of the stairs. I grabbed onto his back before he flipped me over, I lost my balance and fell down the stairs landing onto my neck badly. I was at the bottom of the stairs in absolute pain, "ahhhhhhh shit shit shit" I said refusing to cry at the unbearable pain. "What the fuck did you do Tim?" Tom boomed angrily. "I flipped her over my shoulder I'm sorry oh god" Tim said worried. "It's ok I'm fine everything's cool don't worry" I said mostly to myself. "Everything is not ok look at your head it's bleeding" Luke said as he sat next to me on the ground floor. "John go and get the first aid kit, a blanket and some wipes now" Luke instructed John before he ran into the kitchen. Luke lifted my head onto his lap, I gasped from the shooting pain in my back and upper thigh, "here does it hurt?" He asked eyeing me consciously. "It doesn't don't worry about it" I said smiling weekly, "Chloe for once will you stop acting like everything is fine and lying to us now tell me where it fucking hurts" Luke said almost shouting at the end. He was scary to say the least, I closed my eyes before whispering, "my leg hurts" I am not telling him about my back or he will go ape on Tim even though I know it's not broken. Luke pulled me into a sitting position, "FUCKING GOD ALMIGHTY" I shouted before I could stop myself, "are you sure it's only your leg that hurts?" Luke asked sternly. "My back hurts a tad but it's fine I promise" I say so quiet it was barely audible. "Ok well if you had said that I wouldn't have sat you up" he sounded quiet angry. "I'm fine don't worry about it" I said a tad pissed as I stood up and walked upstairs slowly. "Chloe we need to take you to the hospital" Luke said walking next to me, "hell no" I said loudly and angrily. "I'm fine now stop over reacting" I said as I slammed the door in his face. I fell on my bed making sure I was lying on my front, "fuck shit why damn you back ahhhh pain shit god fuck sake" I shouted into my pillow as pain shot through my spine. Ten minutes later the door bell rang but like always I take no notice, but then there was a knock at my bedroom door, "go away" I said to who ever was behind the door. I hear the door being opened but I can't look around because I am in so much pain. "What happened?" He asked, Rider was sitting next to me with a bag in his hand. Rider was also part time studying first aid. "Nothing I'm fine Rider really don't worry" I said smiling up at him. "Fine but can you sit up then" he asked with a raised eyebrow, I sat up but winced uncontrollably from the pain. "Your not ok, I need you to take your top of so I can see your back" he said beginning to raise my t-shirt over my head. I don't stop him as I know he would have forced me to anyhow, I turned so he could see my back, he gasped incredibly loudly. "Chloe we need to get you to hospital now" he said urgently, "God I bet it's not that bad stop over reacting," I said doubting my own words from his reaction. "Boys come in here now" Rider shouted, all of my brothers came in eyeing the situation we were in. I had no top on and was practically on Riders lap from were he had to examine my back. "Oh God Chloe" Tom said shocked, "guys seriously stop over reacting," I say standing up. I walk to my mirror and get into an angle were I can see my back. A small gasp escaped my lips, my back was black and blue. "We don't need to go to the hospital but I'll admit it's a tad bruised" I say with a small smile. "A tad bruised?!!? Chloe your spin is a mix of purple, black, blue and green" John shouted shocked. "I'm fine seriously guys it's not that bad, it's just bruised I will survive" I said slowly and loudly like they were stupid. "We need to take you to hospital Chloe trust me" Rider said now standing next to me, he spun me so I was facing him, "trust me on this Chloe to you it may seem just bruised but bruising is caused by bleeding under the skin, this much directly on your spine means something really bad has happened" he sounded stern and very worried. I nodded my head looking to the floor, Rider gave me my top which I put back on before we all went to the car outside.
As I sat in my seat pain shot up my back, "ahh" I quietly gasped, everyone shot their heads to me worried but I simply pretended they weren't looking as I put my seat belt over me and kept my gaze on my ugh boots.
"We have arrived everyone out" Tom says opening my door for me, without looking up I slowly crawled out the car and walked over to the emergency ward leaving my brothers behind me. "Hello what seems to be the problem?" A young man asked from behind the desk, I looked up to him and to say the least he was fit! He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and looked around 19. "Ughhhh mybkhard" I said bushing, shit that makes no sense. "Ughh m-my back h-hurts" I say looking back the ground. "Ok well what happened?" He asked checking me out. Wait no way would such a fity like him fancy me a disgusting ugly fat girl. "I f-fell down the s-stairs" I say still looking to my shoes, "oh hi Rider how is class going?" The desk guy asked, I turned around to see all my brothers and Rider standing behind me. "Good but we really need Chloe to see a doctor now her back is completely bruised," Rider said in a rushed tone. "OK of course well Liam is taking over my shift now so I'll be your doctor if you would like to follow me" the guy said taking his clip board and walking down the hall, we followed him to a room and walked inside. "Ok Chloe if you would like to take a seat for me" The doctor motioned for me to sit on the bed, I took my seat as he wrote a few things on his clip board. Everyone else sat on the sofa beside the window, "OK Chloe so it's your back is that correct?" The doctor asked, I nodded my head still looking to my shoes. "Ok well could you please take of your top whilst one of your brothers fill out your details" doctor said handing the clip board to Tom, I took of my top and hid my stomach with it feeling self-conscious. "Right spin around for me" the doctor said spinning me around so he could see my back. "Well we need to have an X-ray on this so boys if you wouldn't mind leaving, Rider could you stay and help me?" The doctor asked as my brothers left and Rider put on a white jacket. The doctor then laid  me down on the bench stomach down, "Ok we are going to do a hand X-ray on your back so this may hurt a tad oh and there really isn't any reason to feel self-conscious of your stomach you are a true beauty" I blushed at this. I felt and large machine press against my back and I gasped in pain, Rider walked around and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Hey it's ok yeah, your gonna be alright" Rider reassured me wispering into my ear, "it's n-not that I t-think I'm not g-going to be o-ok my b-back hurts" I say clearing up that I am not scared in any way. "Ok well I need you to take deep breaths because one your stutter is getting bad and two I can hear your breathing heavy and we can't have you having an attack whilst your in the X-ray ok gorgeous?" He said smiling at me to basically say calm your shit down. Rider stood up and walked over to my doctor again as I steadied my breathing, I could faintly hear their conversation.
"What did you mean attack?"
"She suffers from extremely bad anxiety"
"Oh well we need to make sure she is comfortable with being in the machine then"
"Yeah I just sorted that out"
"Good oh and another thing, have you seen her wrists?"
Everything went deadly silent after the doctor said that. My heart started to pump faster and my breathing became heavy, I tried to turn my wrist away from them but it didn't work. Shit I can't have an anxiety attack now please oh for fucks sake. The world started spinning I gasped for air as my lungs went flat. I could hear faint voices, a needle pinch my arm then black....

"Her wrists are extremely bad just prepare yourselves" I heard a voice that must belong to the doctors say, I am in one of those dream trances where I can hear everything around me but I can't speak, open my eyes or move. "YOU ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?" Tom shouted, wait from what the doctor said before must mean. Ohhh shit he is showing my brothers my sliced up wrist. "This is how hurt she truly is then? And none of her brothers knew, none of her TEN FUCKING BROTHERS PAID CLOSE ENOUGH ATTENTION TO REALISE SHE WAS HURTING THAT BAD?!?!?" I recognise that voice as Luke's oh poo. They are going to be so upset. My eyes fluttered open to see all my brothers around me looking pissed, angry, hurt, upset and some even disappointed. I decided to act like I didn't hear them, "h-hey guys, I t-told you I'm o-ok" I laughed, no one joined in. "W-what's wrong?" I asked a little scared now. The doctor shooed them out before taking a seat next to me, he sighed before saying "your back had extremely bad internal bleeding, your ok and everything but you will be on medication, I also noticed your wrist" I looked to my shoes before a tear ran down my face. He lifted my chin so we are eye to eye, "hey it's ok, you are beautiful in more ways then possible, let me show you that by taking you out on a date" he smiled at the end hopefully. I started smiling too now before I nodded yes, he fist pumped the air like a little child before giving me a note that read, Ian's number 07814897855, so his name was Ian Ohhh. "Thank y-you" I say before putting my top back on and walking out to my brothers. I still had a few tears running down my face so I quickly brushed them away before leading my brothers out to the car.
Once we arrived home I sprinted to my room an texted Ian...
Chloe: hiya it's Chlo xx
Ian: hey so when can I take you on that date? Xxxxxx
Chloe: hehe I don't know its up to you xxx
Ian: ok well I'll see beautiful xxx
Awe he was so cute, I fell onto my bed smiling like an idiot, how am I so lucky to be asked out by a guy like Ian? I slowly started falling asleep with a huge grin on my face.
"Should we wake her up or??" Luke said as I fluttered my eyes open, I let out a loud yawn catching there attention, "oh morning princess" Luke said smiling at me, "morning" I replied picking up my phone to see five missed calls and twenty texts. Two of the calls were from Lilly, one was from Mia an the other was from Lucy. Five of the texts were from Lucy, two were from Tia, three were from Mia and the other ten were from an unknown number. I opened up all the texts but the unknown ones.
Lucy: hey babe wanna come out Tomoz? Xx
Lucy: just heard you were in hospital are you ok girl? Xx
Lucy: babe?!?!? ANSWER IM WORRIED Xx
Lucy: Tim texted me saying it was all his fault and that he hurt you, what happened? Xx
Lucy: babe please answer? Xx
Lucy: I'm on my way now xx
Tia: wanna meet? Xx
Tia: Lucy just texted me I'm on my way cx
Mia: hey so are we going out with the girls? Xx
Mia: heard the news I'm on my way with ice cream xx
Great, I love these girls so much. Just then the door bell rang and I opened it to see Lucy, Mia and Tia all looking worried. "Guys stop looking so scared and being worried in fine" I laughed as they entered the house. "Babe what happened to you?" Lucy asks as she takes of her shoes, "I fell down the stairs but it's all cool, oh yeah I need your help with something too" I replied remembering the date. They all looked at me to tell me to carry on, "after the hospital thing the doctor came to talk me am he was really young and he basically asked me out on a date" I said happily forgetting about my brothers. "Excuse me what?" Some one almost screamed from behind me, my brothers of yeah. I slowly turned around to see all of my brothers looking a tad angry, "what are you talking about Chloe?" Tom asked me with fists clenched. "Ah well um you see I ugh doctor ugh" I couldn't find the right words, "well spit it out" Liam said walking closer to em. "TheDoctorAskedMeOutOnADateANdISaidYes" I said really fast. They all just sent me the warning look so I took a breath before says more slowly this time, "the doctor asked me out on a date and I said yes" they looked pissed. "Your not going" Luke said turning around. "Wait what?" I almost shouted, "look Chloe I know Ian he isn't nice and I can't have you get hurt" Rider said. "Your kidding me right? Well to fucking bad" I said before taking the girls and marching upstairs. All the guys were yelling my name to come backdown stairs but I didn't listen to them as me and the girls enjoyed our day....

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