New friends

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Suddenly the music stopped and gasps were heard, she is having an anxiety attack but we can't go up there because she locked the door and I also thinks she wants to be alone right now. I didn't hear from her for the rest of the night

The next morning....
Chloe's POV

My headache still hasn't gone as I wake up to 'one call away' by Charlie Puth. God I love this song so I'm just going to lye here until the song finishes. Ah I love this song, I wish I had someone like that, someone I could just call and they would save me. I mean I'm that person to Lilly, Mia and Tia but I wouldn't be able to call them. Sitting up I get out of bed and walk to the shower. I turn the water to the right temperature, undress and look into the mirror. Ugly is what I see, an ugly pathetic Scared girl who hates herself. There are still bruises on my body from the park but they have faded dramatically and my face is pretty much healed apart from a scar on my head and the bruise on my jaw. I look to my wrist and undo the bandage. A tear slides down my face as I run my arm under cold water from my tap to clear away the dried blood. Blue, purple and black bruises cover around the deep slits I made. I sigh before stepping into the shower. I do my business and wash myself before I pick out my pink Victoria secret underwear, skin tone tights, a tight pencil skirt and a long sleeve t-shirt with the peace sign on it. I throw a brown girl blazer over it that show of the little curves I have. Drying my hair I lightly curl it and do my makeup before throwing on my high top trainers and my best bitches necklace that me, Lilly, Mia and Tia have. I grab my satchel and phone before heading downside. I dread what is about to happen as I walk into the kitchen all eyes are on me, everyone is downstairs and staring at me. I take in a sharp breath before I go to the kitchen and take out a mountain drew, should I eat? I think as I look at the food in the kitchen. No I'm fat enough I think as I grab an apple and walk to the door. "Are you going to eat Chloe?" Tom calls out to me, my heart beats faster as he walks behind me. I turn around to face him, "I am eating see I have an apple" I say showing him my apple with a cheesy smile. He looks to my apple, then to me before he sighs "Chloe that isn't eating, come on I'll cook you some bacon" he takes my wrist and I wince. He probably noticed as he let go and took my hand, "no really I'm not hungry please I have the apple I don't need anything else" I say as he drags me into the kitchen. "What did you eat yesterday?" Kyle asks hugging me, "the fruit" I lye as I remember the bowl still full on my side. "So if I go to your room I won't find the bowl still full on your side where it was yesterday?" Kyle raises his eyebrow, I shake my head as I know if I talk I will stutter. Kyle goes to walk upstairs and I try to grab him but he runs down the hall, "shit" I swear under my breath, "Chloe..." Liam says questioning my curse. I was about to reply as Kyle stomps in with the bowl of fruit, "oh yeah I fucking ate! It's full Chloe what did you eat?!?!?" Kyle almost screams getting into my face. I look to the floor "I didn't" I mumble under my breath. "Exactly don't lie now pull up your sleeves" he spits, I look to him shocked. Hell to the no will I do that, "n-no don't Kyle" I say as he grabs my arm. "Fucking show us or I'll force you too" he threats, shit shit shit what am I going to do? He loosens his grip to pull up my sleeve and I take the opportunity to run. I sprint to the door and run out and strait up the road, I can hear footsteps behind me but then they disappear and all there is are muffled screams of my name. I slow down to a walk as I get four roads away from my house, panting I take a break from running and sit on a brick wall of a house. I sip my mountain drew, a guy walks out with a girl and they stop as they get to the brick wall. Looking to them I say, "ugh s-sorry I just r-ran and needed a b-break" they look at each other before sitting down either side of me. They both look my age, the girl has bright green eyes and died purple hair but it looks so nice, the guy also has bright green eyes but he has light brown hair that is spiked. To say the least he is quite fit, "hi I'm Lucy Leuy I know weird name and that is Shawn Leuy, we are twins and both 16, you?" The girl, who I now know as Lucy, says. I close my drink before replying, "I-I'm Chloe Clarkson and I'm f-fifteen" God damnit I fucking hate my stutter. "Oh cool what school do you go to?" Shawn asks, I turn to him before replying "St. Luke's y-you?" He smiles at me before saying "same we just moved here but this is our nans house we are moving like four roads away" I smile back at him. "Wanna walk together?" He asks, I nod in response as we get up and start heading to school. On our twenty minute walk we all chat about everything and nothing. I found out loads about them and they now know about my stutter and shit. We enter the school gates and instantly I see my brothers leaning on the car probably waiting for me, TJ nudges John and they all look to me. "Um s-sorry guys I'll catch u-up with you in a s-sec I have to g-go see my b-brothers first" they both nod and walk inside to probably get there timetables from the office.
I walk over to my brothers as Tom wraps me in a hug, I nuzzle into the crook of his neck taking in his scent before he says, "I'm so sorry, we all are. Are you okay?" He leans back so we aren't hugging anymore. I nod not wanting to talk before giving them all hug and walking into the hell building. I walk to my locker but as I open it it gets slammed back into my face catching my cheek, I turn to see Angelia standing there with her pathetic plastic minions, she looks me up and down disgusted before she sneers "ugh how do you even live with yourself your pathetic, ugly, stupid, fat, slutty, disgusting, unloved, unloveable and friendless..." She was about to carry on when out of no where Lucy and Shawn come standing both sides of me, "really? Friendless I am pretty sure she has friends and she is loved very much plus ugly really? She is stunning without having the least bit of makeup on were as you have bucket loads on and still aren't a fraction as pretty as here so piss of bitch" Shawn says angrily, "excuse me what? Who are you?" Angelia says to Shawn. "The names Shawn, that's my twin Lucy and Chloe is our best friend so piss of" Shawn snaps back. "Fine I'll leave but call me later" Angelia fails at flirting by winking and strutting of with her minions behind her. "T-Thank you" I say looking to the floor, Shawn takes his hand and lifts my head up so our eyes meet, "what are friends for?" He smiles showing his perfect white teeth. I giggle back as I grab my books and turn to Lucy, "w-what form have y-you got?" I ask, they both take out there time tables from their bags and say in sink "E26" we all laugh before I say, "c-come on we have f-form together I-I'll show you" I take their schedules to see they both pretty much have all lessons with me, "we b-basically have all the s-same lessons so I c-can take you" they both nod there heads as we walk to form. Once I get into class I see the girls in our normal space at the back and I lead Shawn and Lucy over to them. "Girls th-this is Shawn and L-Lucy" I introduce and everyone says there name and shake hands before we take our seats. The girls chat to Lucy as I talk to Shawn. I can already feel my stutter calming down and I hardly know then which means they are true keepers. James and Rider come in together talking with hands coving there mouth, I can tell James is telling Rider about my arm by the way he catches my eye and his face expression saddens. I look to the floor as they take there seats, Shawn notices as he lifts my face smiling at me, "hey are you alright?" He asks sweaty, "y-yes thank you" I reply, he nods before introducing himself to James and Rider, "hi I'm Shawn Leuy and that is my twin Lucy" Shawn points to Lucy and she simply waves before going back to the girls. "Hiya Shawn I'm James Chloe's older and protective brother" James says emphasising on the protective word, I roll my eyes as Rider than says, "hi I'm Rider James' and Chloe's mate who is also protective of her" God they are so annoying. Shawn chuckles before going into a conversation with Lucy, Lilly, Mia and Tia. I just draw on my notebook back page, I draw a heart that has ripped parts with eyes in. "I need to speak to you at break love" Rider whispers into my ear, I nod not looking up from my drawing.
Soon enough it was Break I have had Art were we carried on with our drawings and maths were I have no clue what we were doing because I was still drawing. I went out to the canteen to see Lilly, Mia, Tia, Lucy, Shawn and Rider sitting. Strange Rider normally sits with my brothers, I walk over and take a seat imbetween Lucy and Shawn before being lifted strait back onto my feet by Rider. He grabs my wrist and I quickly snatch it back he looks me dead in the eye concerned and I just walked forward to the football pitch. We went round a corner before we sat down against a brick wall, silence filled the air. "What happened yesterday?" He finally asked, I sighed before replying, "I woke up with a migraine and everyone over reacted" I don't want to tell him about my wrist. "Chloe I know about that part I meant your wrist" he says looking to me. At that moment I realise I left my blazer in my locker when I first came in, "shit" I say under my breath. "Forgot your blazer yeah I know" he says chuckling, "I had a nightmare about my parents and everything just got to much" I say before standing up and slowly walking away. Rider comes up behind me and picks me up before sitting me on a brick wall, "show me your wrists, I know you won't show your brothers but I have already seen so just show me and then I'll take you to get your blazer, don't show me you won't get your blazer and I won't let you go back to lunch" he says taking my hand in his, "f-fine" I give in as he lifts my wrist and turns it over to show the bruising and cuts. "Chloe" he lets out a deep breath, "I'm sorry" I say as a tear slides down my face, he wraps me in a huge bear hug before looking dead in my eyes, "I'm only one call away, I will be there to save the day I just need you to pick up your phone and call me when you get urges or nightmares, it's 3 am? Still call me because I would like to loose my sleep an awful lot more then to ever see marks on you again" I smile like an idiot remembering this morning. "Thank you Rider" I say as we walk to my locker, I take out my blazer and he puts it on me before I am pushed to the floor and kicked in the stomach, "hahaha bitch what is that on your arm? Oh so you followed my advise" Angelia says before kneeling down beside my ear so I can only hear and whispers "next time kill yourself" this hit me deep. "Get of her Angelia" Rider booms grabbing her arm and flinging her to the other side of the hall. My stomach hurts so bad from when she kicked me, bloody slut has six inch heals on. Rider picks me up as I moan in pain, "hey you ok?" He asks looking me in the eye. "Yes I'm fine don't worry" I say standing on my own but as soon as I do so a sharp pain shoots through my stomach. I suck it in and walk into the cafeteria to the table and take my seat, "you alright babe?" Lilly asks me, "what? Oh yeah" I say smiling. "What happened to your stomach then?" Mia asks nodding her head to my top, I look down to see blood coming through. Shit. I get up and walk out pressing a hand over the blood, my brothers obviously notice and they all get up and follow me. "Chloe wait what happened?" TJ asks spinning me round to face him, "oh nothing don't worry about it" I smile, "Chloe I'm being serious don't lie now tell us what happened" Jayce says looking down to my wound that I'm still applying pressure to. "Angelia did it when she kicked you didn't she?" Rider says, I shoot him a death glare. "What?!?!?" They all scream at me, "nothing Rider is talking shit" I say still garing at him, "no he isn't Chloe stop bloody lying to us" Tim says. I sigh in defeat they already know so whatever, "fine Ang kicked me when I fell over but she didn't mean to" I twist the story in hope Rider will go along with it but it seems luck isn't on my side, "no she fucking didn't! We went to get your blazer and she pushed you to the floor then said look at your arm I see you followed my instructions" he almost screams at me. I step back why the fuck is he doing this. I shake my head at him with regret in my eyes, if I told him about my nightmare and my wrist then he could spill. "Come on we are going to see John and Liam they are in F04" TJ says taking my hand and dragging me to the room. I am still holding my chest but it's not stopped bleeding. As we enter I suddenly feel faint and Rider notices as he goes behind me to stable my walk but I push him back while looking at him disgusted, he looked so hurt but you know what i don't give a fuck. "Guys we need your help" TJ says walking over to the front still pulling me along. I smile sweat as they stare at my stomach, "what the fuck happened Chloe?!?!?" John shouts walking to me before picking me up and sitting me on his desk, "nothing you guys are over reacting" I say slurred from the blood loss. "Shit get her to the nurce room now" Liam says picking me up bridal style and running out. He runs to the office but as he stops to get the door Ang and her minions walk past muttering "remember what I said Fatty" with that they all turned around, "excuse me?!?!" Tim shouts at her extremely angry. She spins around on her heal, "oh hey Timmy baby" she flirts putting her hand on his chest, he pulls her hand away before stepping closer to Ang saying disgusted, "one don't ever call me Timmy and two what the fuck did you say to my sister" Ang looks taken back but then glares strait at me before noticing my stomach. "Guess you won't have to do as I say if you carry on bleeding like that you wimp" her minions laugh. Jayce lunges toward and punches Ang in the nose before everything goes black.

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