Fixing The Scatter {4}

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"Jude, just make sure!" Nate insisted.

"Nathan, for the last time, Staz isn't going to say anything to anyone!" I said impatiently.

"Will you just make sure?" Nate said, also growing impatient.

"Even if Staz said something, who the hell with believe him?" I said, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at Nate. "It's Staz Montgomery's word against mine."

"What if Ethan says something? Now that he has friends, they can say that Ethan was missing from the cafeteria the same time as us," Nate said.

"So? Coincidence." I shrugged. "Nate, when have I ever been caught by an adult?"

"Well I'd rather you didn't start now," Nate grumbled.

"Ethan wouldn't say anything to a teacher anyways. He tried that when we were kids and it never worked. He gave up years ago," I said. "Besides, that happened during lunch. It's the end of the day and they haven't said anything to anyone. I think we're safe."

"Man, please just talk to the kid. It'll shut me up," Nate said. Unlucky for me, Nate was one of the few people who didn't back down from me easily.

"I can shut you up other ways," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Wow, I just came over at the wrong time," Landon said.

"Oh please, I meant I could punch him in the mouth," I said. "The day I'm attracted to Nate is the day pigs fly."

"Same here. In case you forgot, Landon, I'm straight," Nate said.

"Oh, don't we know it. Sonnet and Nate, sitting in a tree..."

I laughed as Nate began to punch me, throwing up my arms to block his fists. Nate was blushing, grumbling at me to shut up.


I stopped laughing and lowered my arms, facing Gideon. Nate stopped punching me and narrowed his eyes at Gideon.

"Leave Ethan alone!" Gideon said angrily.

I could remember the way he used to look at me. I could picture the love and affection in his eyes.

Now they were cold and disgusted. His gaze crept into my chest and twisted my heart.

"Who's to say we didn't punch him?" Nate said, grinning. "Kid has a big mouth. He also likes to piss Landon off."

"I'd gladly break his jaw," Landon said, mimicking a punch.

I spotted Staz heading over to his locker and decided to just give in to Nate. It would give me an excuse to get away from Gideon. The look he was giving me was driving me insane. I hated it.

"Maybe you should friends who don't have a habit of pissing off the wrong people," I said to Gideon, forcing a cocky smirk before walking past him.

I grabbed the back of Staz's shirt, pulling him to a stop. He looked over his shoulder at me with blank eyes, blinking a few times until some life came back to them.

"Jude," he said.

I released his shirt, brushing my hands together to get the chalk off of them. Jeez, was this kid made of chalk?

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