Fixing The Scatter {23}

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"I cannot believe we're actually doing this," Nate said as I parked my car in Toby's driveway. "Jude, this is such a bad idea. I don't like this."

"Shut up. We're going to get Toby back for pissing me off and then we're going to hang out with Staz," I said, turning my car off.

"Jude, seriously, this is a terrible idea. Toby isn't someone we want to piss off," he said nervously.

"Calm yourself. Toby isn't even home right now," I said. "Nate, I promise this isn't going to backfire on us. Just do what I told you to."

Our plan was simple enough. Toby had an incredibly overprotective father, so we were going to go in there pretending to be concerned about Toby. Then we'd make sure his dad overheard us talking about how Toby was sleeping around with several guys in the school. Having a father similar to Toby's, I knew how horrified Mr. Reed would be at the idea of having such a promiscuous son. It wasn't much of a revenge plan, but it was enough to get Toby in trouble.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I sighed and pulled it out. Dante's number was flashing across the screen and I answered it, wondering what the hell he wanted.

"What?" I asked.

"Remember how I said I was going to get you back?" Dante said, voice too gleeful.

"Unfortunately," I said.

"Well, it talked to Toby. And he gave me a certain video that he heard you didn't want going around," he said.

My stomach twisted into a knot. How had Toby known about that video? How the hell had he gotten that video?

"Anyways, just to teach you a lesson, I sent to the video to your father," Dante said, smug now. "Got his number, sent it to him, and can't wait for the shit storm you're going to face when you see him."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Instead, violent terror rocked my body, causing me to shiver as I went icily cold.

No, no, no. Not my father. He couldn't have sent that video to my father. It would tear his heart in half. It would shatter the relationship between us.

I thought of the layers of ice that composed my mother, the way I had to desperately search for little signs that showed she still loved me. I had never had to do that with my dad. He'd always been verbally loving, always the first to hug me and ruffle my hair and tell me how proud he was that I was his son.

But not now. Not if he saw that video. He'd never be able to love the monster I really was.

I felt sick to my stomach. I'd never felt this afraid in my entire life. It felt like I'd tipped too far back in a chair and nearly fallen, that feeling of your stomach leaping into your throat and your heart beating too fast. My hands were starting to tremble.

"Jude?" Nate's voice was infinitely concerned. "Jude, what happened? What the hell happened?"

"You're bluffing," I finally managed to choke out.

"You hurt my brother," Dante said simply.

"If you really did, I swear I'll..." I trailed off, my mind blank with fear. I'd what? The only way to get to Dante was through Staz, and I wasn't going to do that.

I hung up the phone and started my car. Nate was watching me anxiously.

"What happened?" he repeated.

"I have to get home. Right now," I said, hating the awful shake in my voice.

I drove too fast towards my house, my revenge plan forgotten. I didn't want to face my father, but if Dante really had showed him that video, I had to do as much damage control as possible. Oh, god, what if my own dad hated me? What if I never got to hear either of my parents say they love me ever again?

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