Fixing The Scatter {24}

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"Shit, Jude, don't get caught," Nate groaned.

"I never get caught," I said.

"You've been caught on video," Landon reminded.

"Landon, I will rip out your spine and whip you to death with it," I said.

"Right, shutting up now," he said.

"Here he comes," Nate said.

I watched as Toby walked down the hallway, looking at his phone as he texted. When he was close enough, I reached out and grabbed him, yanking him out of sight behind a set of lockers.

"Jude," he said, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Were you texting Dante?" I asked, giving him a dangerous smirk.

He smiled pleasantly. "Nope, haven't talked to him since yesterday."

"How did you know about that video Benji has?" I demanded.

"Because I know a lot of things about a lot of people," he said, shrugging. "Besides, I knew you needed to be taught a lesson, and I knew Dante Montgomery was cruel enough to teach it to you."

"If you ever show that video to my father, I will make sure your father knows what a worthless fucking slut you are," I said, shoving him against the lockers roughly.

Toby laughed. "Worthless slut, huh? I knew Dante wasn't going through with showing the video. He told me he wasn't, and I knew he meant it because he knows what it's like to have your family ashamed of you. He's a total jackass, but he does have a heart buried in there somewhere. I wasn't out to ruin your life, Jude. I just thought it was about time you had the tables turned on you."

"Mind your own damn business for once," I said, clenching my fists.

He smiled easily. "Going to hit me? I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. I planned on leaving you alone after that. I'm still going to make sure you're not hurting Staz, but that's it. Now we can finally go back to being friends."

"We're not friends," I said in annoyance.

He laughed again and shook his head. "Jude, there are people who think we had a fling."

"We didn't have a fling and we don't have a friendship. Let's go." I grabbed my friends and dragged them away from Toby before he could say anything else.

"Oh thank god we survived that," Nate said in relief.

"You know he's still going to act like you guys are friends," Landon said.

"I'm aware. I'll live through it, as long as he quits getting into my business," I said.

I looked around until I spotted Staz as his locker. I went over and he noticed me, smiling.

"Hi Jude. I can't wait to swim at your house afterschool," he said. He paused and beamed with pride. "That's an expression. I can wait. But it means I'm excited."

"I'm glad you're excited," I said.

"I want to hug you again. Please," he said.

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