Fixing The Scatter {16}

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"Hey, do you guys want to come over?" Landon asked, coming up to us as we stood at Nate's locker afterschool.

"As much as I'd love to go get eye fucked by your sisters, I'm busy," I said.

"I swear you have a fear of girls," Landon said.

"I don't have a fear of anyone," I said. Although, I could never find it in myself to really trust girls. It wasn't the reason for my sexuality; it was the result of my sexuality, actually. Get called faggot and fairy boy by your grandmother and several female cousins, have girls clinging to you trying to make you their gay best friend, watch girls as they make pathetic attempts to "turn you straight". You start to distrust them after a while. Not to mention girls like Sonnet Duvet, who were just downright demonic.

"I'll come over. I don't have anything to do," Nate said. "Besides, no practice today. It's a freaking miracle."

"Have fun pretending you're in an early 90s family show," I said.

Landon groaned. "Man, leave my family alone."

Landon came from one of those obnoxious families where the parents were always in a good mood and dressed their kids in matching clothes up until middle school. His parents were always together and smiling, and they called their kids by nicknames like "Land" and "Meg" and "Ellie". They made the whole family do things together constantly.

"Sure, Land," I said.

"Shut up Judeikas," he grumbled. "Come on, Nate. Let's go."

"See you later, Jude," Nate said. He tapped his pocket where his phone was sticking out before walking away with Landon. He wanted me to text him and let him know what happened with Staz.

I wandered the hallways until I found Staz at his locker. I stepped up next to him and he noticed me.

"Hi, Jude," he said.

"I'm coming over," I said.

"Okay," he said in confusion.

I waited until he had his stuff before walking out of the school with him. He nervously tugged at the sleeve of his shirt as we walked.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as we walked. He seemed to be struggling for something to say, some way to make conversation. But, clearly, he had the worst social skills of anyone I had ever met.

We reached the parking lot and Staz pulled out his car keys. "I'll see you at my house."

I nodded and left, climbing into my own car. I rolled my windows down and blasted my music as I took off towards the Montgomery house.

I pulled into the driveway, parking behind Staz's car. He was standing next to his car, thumbs pressed into his palms.

"Let's go inside," I said, taking a deep breath. I would just act however felt the most natural and casual. If that meant being nice, then fine. If it meant being an asshole, also fine.

Staz led me into the house. His parents looked up as we passed through the kitchen and his mom's face paled a little.

"Hi Jude," she greeted, forcing a smile.

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