Fixing The Scatter {6}

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"You're in a good mood," Nate said as I went up to him the next day.

"Well, today is going to be a good day," I said. "Do you see Gideon?"

"He's over at his locker with Benji," Nate said.

I pushed past Nate and went over to Gideon's locker. He stood there, talking easily to Benji, looking happy.

"Gideon," I said, stepping up to him. "I need to talk to you. Alone."

He and Benji glanced at each other, both of them looking at me with untrusting eyes. Gideon nodded and reluctantly followed me to a quiet corner of the hallway.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about hitting Ethan," I said.

Gideon glared at me, making my heart sink. "No you're not, Judeikas. You keep hitting him. You've never been sorry and you've been tormenting him for years."

"Gideon, I really am sorry about it," I said as sincerely as I could. Of course I wasn't sorry that I beat up Ethan. I was just sorry that I got caught. "I promise I'm going to stop. I won't bother him or Benji or Sonnet ever again."

"Or Will," he said, narrowing his eyes at me. "You outed Will. That's just a sick thing to do."

I had outed Will Duvet as gay. I found out he and Ethan were sneaking a little relationship together. So, I befriended the younger sister of a girl who went to college with Will, let slip a little lie about how Will was sleeping with an underage boy, and let gossip do the rest. Will had a nasty case of internal homophobia and dumped Ethan out of panic and fear when he found out everyone knew.

Then they'd gotten back together and threatened me with the video. But that was okay. I'd get them back for that later. Right now, Gideon was my priority.

"I know it was wrong. I wasn't thinking right. I was just angry about losing you," I said, which was partly true. I didn't regret outing Will.

Gideon suddenly looked sad. "Jude, you know this isn't going to work. So please, just stop. Stop lying to me. Stop trying to put me and my friends at ease just so you can catch us off guard. You fooled me through our whole relationship. I fell in love with your façade."

"Gideon, I'm not lying! I'm really going to leave them alone!" I said, hating how desperate I sounded. But it was Gideon, and I'd do anything for Gideon. Even show him a weaker side of myself.

Gideon raked his hands through his hair. "Why are you doing this to me, Judeikas?"

"Don't call me Judeikas," I said, voice quieter now. "You always called me Jude." I hated when he called me by my full name. It was how he distanced himself from me.

"Jude, you know we'll never be together again. I'm in a relationship with a boy that I love. A boy who doesn't lie to me or fool me. I'm happy with him. Honestly? I can't even see myself being friends with you," he said. "Not after all you've done."

"I can prove I've changed," I said. "I swear I'm not going to touch your friends. I'm not going to be like that anymore." Not to them, anyways.

"I hope you really have changed. Maybe you'll find someone who can get to know the new you," he said. "I'm not an option for you, Jude. Not as anything. I'm going back to Benji now."

He walked away from me, back over to his perfect fucking boyfriend. I clenched my fists as I glared at Benji. He had stolen my boyfriend from me. Jealous fucker wasn't happy until he had Gideon to himself. I had always treated Gideon right.

"That didn't look like it went well," Nate said, coming over to me.

"Patience," I said, forcing myself to pull back my anger. "Once he sees that I mean it, he'll cave."

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