Chapter 7

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Gibbs' POV

It's been a month since Tony disappeared and Ziva's suffering. Sure the rest of the team misses him too but Ziva's actually suffering from it. She just sits at her desk sometimes staring at Tony's desk. When someone tries to change something on Tony's desk she freaks out. The first week, the janitor tried to put Tony's chair back in place and she nearly killed the guy. He hasn't come near this area either since it happened. At first we thought it was quite funny but since then it has only worsened. She snaps at us for the smallest things. She barely eats a thing. She's exhausted the entire time. When you look at her, you can clearly see she hasn't slept properly in quite a while now. When she's not in the office she just stares at a random spot in front of her. It's why I try to avoid taking her to crime scenes as much as possible. Everyone is worried about her.

I have noticed something else has been going on with her. She has to pee more. She complains about headaches sometimes. When we're eating, she sometimes nearly runs to the bathroom. She tells us she just needed to pee urgent, but I see the look on her face and it tells me something different. It didn't take me long to figure out that she's pregnant. I'm not going to mention it though because I'm not sure that she knows. I do wonder who the father is. Before Tony disappeared, I did hear about some guy she was seeing. Well, Tony was more teasing her about the fact. If I notice she's doing something that is harmful to baby, I will speak to her about it though, whether I believe she knows or not. I've noticed that also Abby's getting suspicious about it, because each time she's in the lab and Abby has to work on some evidence, she kicks Ziva out. Ziva's always frustrated when she does that, which makes staying near her actually quite dangerous.

Today it has happened again and boy, Ziva is not happy. McGee was lucky I got here on time, otherwise I'm pretty sure we would have another agent missing. We would probably find him somewhere in a week or so buried under the ground. I've tried to calm her down but nothing seems to work. She's been on edge ever since she stepped foot in the office today. I think I will send her home if she keeps acting that way. She's going to be the death of every single agent here if I don't. We have been working on the case since yesterday and we're finished before lunch, so I decide to take the team out. Also hoping that it will calm Ziva's nerves. As suspected the lunch does her good. Even though she doesn't say much and mainly just stares out the window, I can see she's having a good time.

Ducky and Abby try to keep her mind of things the best. They try to keep telling her stories. Ducky tells some old stories and Abby some funny stories about her friends. Ziva can laugh with every story Abby tells which means she's actually paying attention. In the beginning Ziva would snap out of thought when we were laughing, and she would have no idea of what was going on. She isn't eating much so I practically force her to eat at least something. It's not good for her to not eat a thing right now. I know that if I'm not forcing her, she will barely eat a thing. After work she always comes over to my place and we eat dinner together. It's why I know she wouldn't eat if I don't force her. I never let her leave the table before she's done. At first it cost me a lot of trouble but she learnt quick. I've tried asking her why she doesn't go home after work but she always changes the subject.

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