Chapter 17

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Gibbs' POV

It's been a week since we found the note. The team is devastated. We all saw how broken she was without Tony and yet she just leaves us all like that. We all know something is not right. We have all read the note over and over again and something tells me that something is not right. I can't tell what it is though and neither does the team. We're all waiting for that one phone call from Ziva that will tell us what is going on. Suddenly Tony comes running in, waving with a copy of Ziva's note. I look at him as he comes to stand next to me behind my desk. Normally I wouldn't allow but this is about Ziva. He lays the paper down and points at something. 'My baby.' I give him a confused look.

"She's expecting twins Gibbs. Why would she write that it's for her baby if she's expecting babies? I can't believe it took me a week to figure it out Gibbs. But she wouldn't write baby, she would have written babies. It's a clue." He explains. This makes me think further. The words she uses. What she says in her letter. Those are more the words of her father. From the beginning that she started working here, her father hasn't been the happiest man about it. The part where she says that she doesn't belong here. Those are literally the words of her father. How could I not see?

"Grab you gear. We're going to Israel." I say pulling Tony out of thought.

"How Gibbs? Eli will know the minute we enter the country." Tony says to me, knowing what I am thinking.

"As tourists." I say and walk towards the director's office to tell the director.

Two days later Tony and I are in Israel looking for Ziva. McGee and Abby are doing everything they can from DC. We know this won't be easy. Her father is not for nothing the director of Mossad. They have so many safe houses that even Mossad officers don't even know the half of them. It will be a long search but I'm not giving up on Ziva and I know Tony won't either. On our way over here, Tony finally told me what the deal was between the two of them. I should have seen it coming. The way Ziva coped with Tony's disappearance. The way Tony is always concerned about Ziva, especially now with her pregnancy. I can't believe I didn't see it though. Two years and 6 months, that's how long they are dating right now. Once we have Ziva back they will earn a head slap. Both of them. I've made those rules for a reason, not for them to break them. I have always seen that those two belong together though so I will go easy on them.

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