Chapter 13

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Abby's POV

It had been two weeks since we found Tony when he finally awoke. I had been in the hospital for about half an hour. When I went into his room, I found Ziva asleep with her head on top of his bed. Their hands intertwined. It was quite cute actually but we all knew how close the two of them were. They were family. I left her there in the room and decided to just wait for her to come out, even if it meant waiting for hours. When she came to the waiting room, she had a smile plastered on her face. No doubt something happened. She saw me and told me Tony had finally woken up. He was finally awake after two long tiring weeks. We called the team and they were here in just a couple minutes. We were cleared to go to him but when I looked behind me to see if Ziva was coming. She was gone. She was nowhere to be seen. I called for the team and they all stopped death in their tracks. We took a quick look around but couldn't see her, so I decided that I would look for her. The team would make sure that Tony wouldn't get too worried.

I have looked everywhere but Ziva is nowhere. How the hell could she disappear like that? I think it has been longer than half an hour since the team went into Tony's room and still no sign of Ziva. Gibbs promised he would call if Ziva would enter the room but I haven't heard from him either. I decide to go look for her car on the parking lot. She told me where she parked so I should see it. I don't think she left though. She spent every day with him. If she wasn't in the office, she was nine out of ten in the hospital. I'm just about to walk out when I see a woman entering the cafeteria. She looks exactly like Ziva from behind. I run over to her, and turn her around. I'm met with the startled face of the stranger I turned around. My eyes widen as I quickly apologize and I make sure I'm out of there. Stupid me. I should have looked at her clothes. Well, at least now I have a story to make the team laugh. Before I go outside I take a quick glance into the bathrooms and there she is. Sitting on the sink swinging her legs slightly back and forth clearly thinking.

I approach her slowly hoping not to scare her. I carefully put my hands on top of her knees so she looks up at me. Her eyes indicate she has been crying for... well ever since she disappeared actually. The tear stains are still evident on her cheeks. Her hand resting against her stomach like she's doing a lot lately. She does it every time when she's hurt, sad or angry. It's like she's trying to protect the baby from everything harmful and it's so incredibly adorable. Anyway, I ask what's wrong and what happened. "I got cold hands okay?" She says to me a soft voice. It takes me a few seconds to resister that she means cold feet. I correct her before asking what she means. Getting cold feet means getting too frightened to do something but why would Ziva be frightened? She points towards her stomach. Of course, the baby. Tony doesn't know anything about it. But did she really get frightened because of that?

"H-He doesn't k-know. He's g-going to be a-angry." She hiccups while tears start rolling down her face again. I immediately pull her off the sink and into my arms. "I-I hate m-mood swings." She hiccups a little later making us both laugh a little. I pull away from her and wipe away the remaining tears on her face. I give her a smile and she returns a light one. After Ziva is sure that there is no evidence of her crying, we go Tony's hospital room. His face immediately lights up at the sight of us. More likely the sight of Ziva.

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