Chapter 16

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Tony's POV

Ziva is almost 7 months pregnant at the moment with my twins. It's still hard to believe even though I've known for a while now. She's showing by now and it most definitely doesn't make her happy. Every other hour we have to tell her she's beautiful, otherwise the chance of her crying for a small thing increases. I mean last time we forgot, she started crying because they didn't have what she was craving at the moment. Afterwards we could all laugh about it though. For me, it's even more frustrating because I have to act as her brother and not as the father. But I'm happy she always has Gibbs right by her side. She is having some weird phone calls the past month though. She always leaves the room and when she gets back she's always frustrated. She doesn't tell us who it is or what the person wants and it's annoying. We've tried tracking the phone call but whoever she's calling is smart. All the calls are untraceable. We're worried but I think Ziva would tell us if she thought it was important. Especially due the circumstances from not a long time ago.

Ziva has gone out to grab herself something to eat again. I would get it but Gibbs wouldn't let us leave the office because of the case. Also because if we would have to get her food each time she's hungry, we would be more out getting her food than in the office. I suddenly realize Ziva has been gone for a long time now. Longer than you would suspect from someone who just went across the street for take-out. I look at Gibbs, who is for once behind his desk and as I look up, it seems he already knows what I'm thinking. "Call her." He says to me walking over to my desk to listen along. I hope with my entire gut that Ziva will not answer with 'Hey Sweetie.' Or something like that. Because with Gibbs this nearby and no place to run. I am dead meat if she does. What happens next I don't like either. She doesn't pick up the phone. I look at Gibbs and he gives me a look. Soon we are in elevator on our way to where Ziva's supposed to be.

As we arrive Ziva is nowhere to be seen. Gibbs is calling McGee in no time to track Ziva's cellphone. My heartbeat starts to speed up. Ziva can't be gone, not now. She has to be around here somewhere. She cannot disappear two months after I got found. Especially not now that she is 6 months pregnant almost 7 months. We only have 2 more months to go before we will become parents. Gibbs pulls me out of thought by saying that Ziva's phone is on the parking lot of NCIS. We quickly go back but we don't see her. McGee gives us some more specific directions of where her phone is and we end up at her car. A note is sticking underneath the windshield wipers.

"I am fine. Do not worry about me. I have been thinking about this a lot and I just could not do this anymore. I do not belong here. My baby does not belong here. I cannot raise my baby here. I am sorry that I had to do it this way. I am sorry that I did not tell you anything. I know that saying sorry is a sign of weakness in your eyes Gibbs but I think that right now it has to be said. I am leaving and I do not know if I will ever come back. I do promise that once I have the chance, I will call you. But I am asking you, please do not try to find me. I am better of somewhere else. My baby is better of somewhere else. I really am sorry it has to go this way but I do not see another option. -Z" The note says.

Gibbs soon finds her phone underneath her car. I keep on reading the note over and over again. This can't be happening. Why didn't I see this one coming? Why didn't I see that she wasn't happy? Why didn't I see that she wanted to leave this place? Why does she in the first place? So many questions are in my head right now and I really don't know what to do anymore.

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