Chapter 19

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Tony's POV

A month has passed and we are still in Israel looking for Ziva. We just know that she is here somewhere. Because it is Ziva who we are searching, Vance is not giving us a hard time on being away so long. He does wants us to hurry up a little but we all want Ziva back as soon as possible. The fact that we have to be so careful makes it harder. We can't ask anyone because then Eli will find out that we're here. Suddenly Gibbs phone rings and an unknown number appears. When he hangs up again, he has a small smile spread across his lips. He calls McGee to ask if there are any military cargo planes flying near Israel or over Israel. Luckily there is one passing Israel in only two hours. All I can do next is look at Gibbs making several calls to several people. I still don't know what's going on until he says. "Let's get Ziva and go home." He doesn't need to say it twice before I'm following. We meet Ziva in front of a large building. I immediately wrap my arms around her waist and hold her as close as possible and give her kiss.

When she sees Gibbs smiling at us, she freezes. She starts trying to explain it but I quickly stop her by saying he knows. But before I can say something else I feel something colliding with the back of my head. I look at Ziva and see also her rubbing the back of her head, meaning she got a slap too. "You still broke rule 12." Gibbs says and then adds to it. "Now let's go before your father finds out." We soon are on a cargo plane on our way back home.

We're in the air for about two hours when I notice something is going on with Ziva. She's holding on to her stomach the entire time. Sometimes she grabs her stomach tighter and squeezes her eyes shut but when she sees me looking, she shrugs it off. Gibbs starts noticing it too and he speaks to her about it. "Just cramps." She says when Gibbs doesn't stop. I see nothing serious about it but Gibbs his eyes widen slightly.

"Ziva, how long till the baby was due?" He asks out of the blue. Ziva gives him a tiny confused look before stating that it is in a week. Gibbs gets a sort of scared look and looks at me. I'm pretty sure he expects me to realize something but I have absolutely no idea what. Even the hand colliding with the back of my head doesn't help this time. "Ziva how long between the cramps?" Gibbs asks while I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. She can't be getting the kids now right? It's too soon. She has another week and most importantly we're in the freaking air. We aren't landing in another 12 hours. I get pulled out of my thoughts by Gibbs saying to get Ziva some water. I get up and get her a bottle while Gibbs stays near her. I give her the bottle and she takes a sip, a scared look evident on her face. Then, Gibbs says four words that make my world spin. "She is in labor." Next thing I know I'm sitting on the side. How I got here is a mystery though. I soon find out that I fainted after hearing my girlfriend is in labor thousands of feet above the ground. While her father will come after us with every means necessary for leaving Israel once he finds out.

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