Chapter 26

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Ziva's POV

I wake up from gunshots in the hallway. The first thing I do is look for my two children and I see Ducky and Palmer holding them close. The fear strikes. The gunshots are slowly getting louder. Closer. My father is here. The only possible reason for all of this. My bastard father. Here. To do god knows what. Maybe to kill me for leaving Israel. Maybe to kill my kids as revenge. I have never felt a fear as big as now. Now I am not only fearing for my own life but also the life of two innocent babies. As soon as Ducky notices that I'm awake he rushes over to me. He tells me he's worried about my health but he never gets to finish his explanation. The door opens and there he is. The man that ruined my life. The man that made me who I am today. The man who kidnapped me just because my babies would be born in America. Because their father is from America. Ducky grabs my hand but I shake it off. I tell him to go to the back of the room and do everything in his power to keep my kids safe. He doesn't want to move from my side. He promised Tony. So I do something I never thought I would ever do to him. I yelled at him. No screamed.

I told him to do as I said so and I said it with so much venom that he obeyed. Soon enough my father and I were screaming all kinds of things at each other. Things that I wish not to translate to English. Not much later the door swings open again. The team comes in but I can't pay attention to them. My father sways the gun closer to my face threating me. I say something. Something I should have never said. His finger goes to the trigger and a loud bang is heard. I scream. I feel no pain so I lay back in relieve. I did probably scare the living hell out Tony by screaming. He's holding on to my hand within seconds. Tears in his eyes but just as I'm about to say something I realize there was only one gunshot. That means whoever shot hit the person that was meant to be hit. I look towards where my father was standing. I see him laying down on the ground blood gushing out of a gunshot wound. Gibbs hovering over him checking if he is still alive. He shakes his head as sign that he's dead and I can't help but cry. He may be a horrible father and a horrible man in general but he was still my father. He still raised me. He took care of me especially after my mother died. Okay, he started to really train me from that moment on but he still took care of me.

At the age of 12 it became less but he still did it. I look at Tony and see that also he is crying but I don't think that's because of my father. I wipe away his tears with my thumb and his eyes snap to mine. I smile at him and point towards my father. He looks and when he sees my father, I can see his whole body relaxing. Soon enough nurses are running in. Gibbs and McGee get taken care of. Tony also lets Ducky check me out because apparently I was feeling very cold. Luckily it's not something severe. Just an effect of the recent events and the medicines that are in my body right now. Ducky doesn't start again about what he was about to say right before the recent events. It probably means that it isn't that important.

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