Chapter 22

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Tony's POV

We just landed in America. I would say I am happy about that but Ziva screaming in the background is not very soothing. I've held her hand the entire time. Except for a couple of times when I passed out because the nerves were getting the better half of me. But other than that I was with her every second of it. Gibbs has also been there every second but more in a fatherly way. Just as I am going to be father. Okay, I really cannot pass out right now. Ziva will kill me if I do so. She needs me more than ever. Just stay cool and breath. I watch from the side as they check how long till she has to deliver the babies. We still have time to travel to the nearest hospital. It's too late for an epidural though. I hate to see Ziva suffering like this but there is nothing I or the nurses can do right now. At the hospital we find the entire team waiting for us with anxious looks. I'm about to go and tell them what's going on but the scream coming from Ziva holds me back. I grab her hand instead and make soothing circles on her hand. Keeping my mouth smartly shut. Last time I opened my mouth during a contraction, I got the threat that she would chop of my balls and feed them to the neighbor's dog. Knowing Ziva, she will actually do it.

During the birth all I can do is sit there holding Ziva's hand, while she screams out in pain. I don't hear what the doctors are saying. I don't listen. My mind is only busy with Ziva. Hoping that all of this will be over soon so Ziva can rest. My head does snap up at the sound of the word 'problem'. I can't tell what the doctors are exactly saying but from their tones I know it's not good. I look at Gibbs, who is seated on the opposite side of Ziva. He seems to understand what the doctors are saying and he looks scared. The great Gibbs is actually looking scared. This cannot be good. Why won't my mind just work with me for a second? I'm only getting more and more frustrated about this so I decide to put my full attention on Ziva. It's miracle I haven't passed out yet, again. I hold her hand tightly in mine. I wipe her sweaty hair out of her face. I give her an occasional kiss just to tell her that I'm still here and not going anywhere. The next half hour is a complete fuss for me. I hear screaming, yelling, crying, every sound you can possibly hear right now. Ziva's screams stop. I can hear two babies crying in the background. My babies. They are finally here. My hand gets pulled out of Ziva's as Ziva gets rushed somewhere. Now I know there is something wrong.

Not with the babies but with Ziva. We all knew the pain she was in was not normal. We all knew, yet, I feel like I've been too caught up to have noticed this. I watch as I see them stroll Ziva away in a hurry. I watch as they yell things at each. I watch her disappear behind the doors. Not one movement coming from her. Motionless, almost like a dead body. But I know she's still breathing. She won't die. She is strong. She will fight to see her kids grow up. She can't die. Just as the door closes behind them I see her heart monitor turn into a flat stripe.

10/08/2016 is forever engraved in my memory now. 0447 our baby boy was born. 0458 our baby girl was born. 0503 Ziva...

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