Chapter 14

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Tony's POV

Ziva and Abby finally come in after maybe an hour. I'm so happy to see Ziva and to see she's okay. Again I can tell there is something different about her. Also in the way she's acting. She's making sure that she stays in the back of the room and wrapping her arms around her stomach. I feel like she's hiding something. I hope she'll tell me when we are alone. At the end of the day, when the team starts leaving. Ziva still hasn't come forward yet. Abby is the last one to leave apart from Ziva. Abby gives her hug and I can hear her whisper something in Ziva's ear. I don't know what though. The minute Abby is gone, I tell her to come over. She hesitates and actually shakes her head meaning she's going to stay in the back. Now I'm most certainly worried. Did something happen while I was away? Did she hook up with someone else? That last part makes me angry. I don't show it though because I'm not 100 % sure of it. I plead her to come over but the only movement she makes, is looking at her hands.

That's when she says the most dangerous words. "We need to talk." It means she has been thinking about stuff. Stuff that maybe will mean the end of the two beautiful years we've spent together, as a couple. After a minute of silence, she gets up, her arms next to her body. Her favorite shirt tight around stomach. She gained weight. Is that what she's trying to hide? Does she think I will love her less if she's fatter? My mind doesn't immediately reflect to the cause until she says it. She's sitting right next to me. She knows I noticed that she gained weight. She takes my hand and says eight words that change my world completely. "I am pregnant and you are the father." I am going to be a father. It takes me another minute to register what she actually said. Fear of what I will say is evident on her features. She looks down fearing the worst and that's when I surprise her. I grab her chin and pull her towards me to place a tasty kiss on her lips.

We part just enough so I can say something while looking into her beautiful eyes. I whisper to her. "I'm going to be a father." Before I kiss her again and grab her waist to pull her onto the bed. She pulls away from me and lays her head on top of my chest, an arm draped over me. I pull her closer to me and start playing with her hair with one hand, the other hand I lay across her stomach. I ask her how many months and she looks up, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Four months. Almost five." She lays her head back on top of my chest. I missed so much in my time away. Ziva had to find out she's pregnant on her own. She had to tell the team alone. Who knows what else I missed. Then two important enter my mind. Does the team know I am father and does she know the gender of the baby? Just as I'm about to ask the questions, I hear little snores coming from Ziva. I have to do my best to restrain my laughter and not wake her up again.

"I'm going to be a father." I whisper to myself. I keep on repeating that sentence over and over again. Making it more realistic every single time. I, Tony Dinozzo, am going to be a father in a couple of months. And my child is going to have the most beautiful mother here on earth. I fall asleep, imagining our future together and what our child will look like.

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