Chapter 3: 93 Days

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I get home within 10 minutes of leaving school. Mom has sat me down and made sure nothing was repeated from my school in Bangor, as in, having 'two boyfriends' at one time and not finding any female friends. She didn't understand why I was only friends with guys. I guess I didn't really know why either. It just happened. I am very grateful I can leave out the part of Marcus, I really don't want to think about him. So I'm not going to.

After dinner, which has become even more quiet now that Cara is gone, I run to my room and call Noah and Cole. Cole picks up on the second ring, Noah on the fourth.

"Hey guys. Whats our plan for tonight?" I start.

I hear paper rustling in the back on Cole's line. "Whether Noah can have a pet or not. I vote no if it's a dog. If it is something else that is easier to take care of, because we won't be home that often, I would be okay with it", he says.

"Mere?" Noah asks.

"I refuse to take care of the dog when you guys are on trips for away games. I would be okay with a cat or a guinea pig of something. And Noah", I take a quick breath. "No birds that make noises. I'm not taking care of one of those either. If you get one, I'm going to let it out the first time you go for an away game", I hear Noah laugh.

"Okay, no dogs, no birds. I'm thinking we just aren't going to have a pet", Noah says. I can tell both me and Cole breath a sigh of relief. "I will wait, I guess".

I think for a moment. "What am I going to do in that condo by myself when you guys are gone? I hear you guys can be gone for up to a week. I'm going to be super lonely".

"Get a substitute boyfriend.  That's what I would do". Noah says.

"Okay, one, I would like to keep my one boyfriend. I don't need a substitute. And two, I didn't realize you had a boyfriend to begin with?", I laugh.

"What do you think Cole has been all these years?" Noah says back sarcastically.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang in there a second bud. That might be true, but you never asked me. How could you?" I can tell Cole is fake pouting.

"Um. I should be the one that should be stunned here. Why was I not informed of this? This is kind of important". We all laugh. It feels like we are all sitting next to each other. I stop laughing and get back to business. "What am I going to do guys? I'm going to be super lonely".

"Our coach practically worships me right now, and I really have no idea why. I'm definitely not the best player on the team. I'm sure I could get him to let you come with us for an away game or two. But probably the ones that aren't super far away", Noah takes a quick breath. "You are the only one of us going to college for actual purposes. Cole and I are just going so we can get into the NHL. You are going for what exactly?"

"Well, for the clarification, I'm majoring in engineering. You however have solely considered the NHL", Cole cuts in.

"Noah, I'm going for sports journalism. I'm going to become a sports journalist for whatever team one of you gets onto and follow you around. We talked about this". Noah laughs.

"Guys. I'm sorry. I would love to stay and talk more, but I have a team thing to get to. I miss you guys. Love you Mere", Noah says. "Bye Cole. Talk to you later", Noah hangs up on his end.

"I love you Cole. Tell the guys I said hi".

"Love you Mere. I will. Tell Cara to tell Matt I said hi".

"I will". We hang up the phone. I lay on my bed, staring at my ceiling. It's white, just barely matching my newly painted room.

My room is a light shade of pink, more of a blush color. Mom and I picked out lace curtains, and my bedding matches the walls. I love my room here. Back in Maine, my walls the a medium grayish blue. I liked the color, but it wasn't really me.

Tears well in my eyes. I miss the guys so much. I miss Cole and Noah even more. They got me through so much, and now I can't even be there with them.

My phone buzzes on my stomach. Looking at the bright screen, an Instagram notification pops up. Addison Milton has sent a friend request. I open my phone and look at Addison's profile. Yep, Addison from school.

Her profile picture is of her in a super short crop top and very high cut shorts in a dressing room mirror. Does every single girl wear these short of shorts? Cara wears them, and mom was fine with it, but the second I would, my mother would kill me. But I would also never wear those shorts. I may wear short shorts, but not that short.

I accept the friend request, and almost instantly, I get a message from her.

Hey Meredith, send me your number.

I smile a little, texting her my number and I immediately get another text.

Hey Meredith. How did your 1st day go?

I think for a moment before answering.

Pretty good, actually. I'm so used to being the new girl by now.

We text for a while. About the most random things. Even more random than my conversations have ever been with either Cole or Noah.

I check my clock on my bedside table and find that it's 12:30. I almost scream. I scramble to tell Addison good night, and I text Cole. I told him I would text him goodnight no matter what time it was. But wait, what time is it there? 1:30?

I send the text and a moment later, my phone vibrates.

Good night my love. Sleep good. I love you with all my heart. Have a good day at school if we don't talk tomorrow morning. I love you, I love you, I love you.

I read the text over and over. I love Cole. I hate being far away from him. It's going to be a hard 92 days away from him.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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