Chapter 19: 57 Days

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I awaken to the sound of the shower in the bathroom. I slept here in Chicago with Noah in his hotel room. I was too tired to drive back home, it would have been 1 in the morning by the time I got back. Yes, Noah and I slept in the same bed. But, for the record, there were pillows between us and we were both completely dressed. And nothing would ever happen. I wouldn't let it. He wouldn't let it.

I sit up in the bed and run my hand through my hair. The shower turns off and I hear Noah step out of the shower. I walk over to the chair in the corner of the room and pick up my clothes from yesterday.

He comes out a moment later, fully dressed. "Morning, Princess", he smiles, kissing the top of my head.

"Morning, Noah", I reply as I grab my mini hairbrush out of my purse. "Are you done in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, it's all yours". He says, turning on the TV.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I grab a towel from the rack and step in. 10 minutes later, I'm all clean and I turn off the water. I shiver as the cold air of the bathroom hits me. I quickly wrap myself in a towel and step out.

I'm quickly dressed and I brush through my long, soaking wet, knotted hair. I open the door, and Noah is yelling at the television. "I hate you....", he says a name I don't recognize.

"What's the matter?" I sit next to him on the bed.

"This reporter. He didn't like my hat trick from last night. This guy has never liked me. I've never met him, and from what I know of, he has never been to any of my games this season. He likes drama because he has done to other college players over the years, I can remember at least four others", Noah huffs out. Noah and I sit in silence for a moment, listening to this awful reporter saying how Noah and his team 'just got lucky' and 'Noah isn't a real player'. What kind of reporter is this guy? He is awful. Whether is talking about Noah or somebody else, he shouldn't be talking about people like this.

"He's horrible", I spit out, beyond disgusted.

The television program ended, and my phone starts ringing. I pick it up from the nightstand. It's Cole.

"Hey, Cutie", I say. Noah mocks throwing up. I hit him. He whines quietly.

"Hey, Sweetheart. How's Noah?"

"Good. The hockey game was really fun last night, even though Jonathan's girlfriend pretty much complained the entire time. We went out to dinner with the team after, and I stayed here in Chicago because it was so late. I woke up about half an hour ago, and Noah and I were planning on going out to breakfast when we were done getting ready", I pause for a second, taking a breath. "How have you been?"

"Uh, good. The guys and I all slept in the basement last night more than half of us fell asleep the second the game was over. I might have been guilty of falling asleep", he laughs. He seems worried. I can sense it. "So, you said you spent the night in Chicago with Noah. Were you two in the same room all night?"

"Uh, yeah. I didn't plan on spending the night, it was just late, so I stayed here". Cole is suspicious. "You aren't worried, are you? Cole, you have nothing to worry about. You know Noah and I too well to be worried about that. I promise. Nothing happened, nothing like that will ever happen".

I hear him mumble something, but I can't make out the words. "Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I guess I'm just on edge because he gets to see you and I don't. Have fun and say hi to Noah for me. Just wanted to see how things were going. I love you Baby".

I smile once again. "I love you too, Cole. Hope to see you soon".

We hang up the phone, and I take a deep breath. "I'm hungry", Noah whispers.

"Noah, I swear to god, every time we have a conversation, it ends with you saying you are hungry", I laugh. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "Ugh, fine. I'm hungry too. Let's go down and find some breakfast. How long do you have until you leave?"

"The flight leaves at four o'clock. Coach wants us back at noon. So, we have three hours".

"Let's go then. It's warm out, at least from what the forecast said. How about Starbucks? It's right downstairs in the lobby. We can have a bagel and coffee or something".

Noah agrees. We put on our shoes and leave the room. The elevator is packed with a family. At least 6 children under the age of 10. Their parents each hold a toddler in their arms. The children scream at one another. The dad looks extremely annoyed, and the mother looks like she is about to fall asleep. Noah and I stand in the corner of the elevator. The mom looks Noah and I up and down, she smiles.

"You two are a very cute couple", the mother says. I realizes she is talking to us.

"Oh thank you. But we aren't a couple. Just best friends", I smile at her.

The women looks surprised. "Oh, I'm sorry. I have just seen you to around the hotel the past 2 days. You look closer to each other than normal best friends. My bad".

Noah chimes in. "Oh, Miss. We get mistaken for a couple all the time. But I am just her and her boyfriends third wheel".

"Well, you two look happy together, no matter what. I'm sorry".

"It's no problem, really", I say. She smiles again.

The elevator door opens and the parents let us out before their family. We say goodbye to them and exit into the lobby. We cross the open space in the little Starbucks in the back corner. It's quite empty, only a few people in line.

Noah and I order quickly and sit at a table at the front. A large window opens us up to people watching in the lobby. We can watch the turning doors and the people coming and leaving. We can watch the elevator and who comes down and goes up.

One elevator in particular, I notice, a group of boys rush out into the lobby. It's half of the team. They are led by Zac, as usual. "The guys are coming. Hide your face", Noah jokes.

Zac spots us and the group comes over. They crowd around our table. "Mere, do you realize you have boyfriend, and it's not him?" Zac asks with a smirk, pointing with his thumb at Noah.

"Yes, I do. But do you realize that he isn't here, and this isn't a date".


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