Chapter 31: Christmas Wish

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I arrive at Cole's house for the family's ugly sweater party. I found mine in Cara's closet when she was moving out, so I kept it. I paired it with a pair of leggings, grey Ugg's, and my grey beanie.

Both of Cole's sets of grandparents are already here, and so is Aunt Brenda with her 3 children. I park my car at the bottom of the driveway, reposition my beanie, and grab the presents from my trunk. The wind almost takes the lightest present at the top of the stack away.

I knock on the door, and half a second later, the door opens. Cole stands there in the ugliest Christmas sweater I have ever seen. I look him up and down, then laugh. "Merry Christmas, Handsome".

"Merry Christmas, Beautiful", Cole smiles as he takes most of the presents from my hands. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and leads me into the living room.

The entire family says Merry Christmas to me as I walk in and put the presents in little piles for whom they go to under the tree. I got one for most people. They may be small, but they are still presents.

We sit and talk for awhile until everybody else arrives and the unwrapping begins. The kids get to go first. I got Lina a Boston Bruins teddy bear, because it's her favorite team. I got Sammi the pair of sunglasses she told me she wanted when we went shopping a few weeks ago. The other cousins, I just got them little things that they would like from the help of Aunt Brenda and Mrs. Anderson.

In the middle of presents, Mrs. Anderson says dinner is ready. The kids puts their newfound gifts down and everyone rushes into the dining room. We all take our seat. I sit next to Sammi and Mrs. Anderson, Cole sits across from me. A ham sits at each end of the table. Sweet potatoes, mashed regular potatoes, green beans, stuffing, bread and butter, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, and even more food lines the middle.

We all take turns with everything, and soon, every plate is full to the brim with food. The family shares jokes and stories. My family never did this, even if we all had the chance. All of the aunts share funny stories about their children, and Mrs. Anderson tells a story about Devon and Cole when they were little. My stomach churns at the mention of Devon. Apparently, he's in some military college, and he's training to be in the Navy. But, he's away from here, so I'm completely okay. Most of the family still doesn't know his attack a few years ago was on me.

We head back into the living room to finish the presents. All of the kids are gathered in a circle in front of the TV watching Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. They still somehow draw their attention away from it with more presents from their relatives.

It's finally the teens and adults turn for their presents. Well, the teens involve Cole and I. I have one from the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and of course, Cole. I get a new dress from the Anderson's, a necklace with a hockey skate on the chain from Meme and Pepe, and a owl shaped pillow from Nana and Pops. I must say, for a family I'm not actually a part of, they do know how to buy gifts.

I got Cole a Minnesota Wild's Coyle jersey, because that's his favorite player, and he doesn't have one yet, and a University of Maine Sweatshirt, because he is going to need one when we go this summer.

Now for my gifts from him. I have two boxes. The first, is a picture of us from Junior year. We were at a public skate with Cara and Matt. It's of Cole and I kissing with the sunset behind us. My arms are wrapped around his shoulders, his arms snaked around my waist. The second box is large book It's a book of the biographies of each of the Beatles. I've wanted this book since I saw it in the store last summer. I was never able to find it again.

"Wow, that took a long time", Aunt Fiona laughs as everyone finishes opening their Christmas gifts.

She was about to say something, but Cole stops her. "Wait, I have one more present", he looks at me with a smile.

I'm standing next to the Christmas tree, Cole stands in front of me. He looks around at his family, smiles at me, then bends down. He gets on one knee. Cole reaches in his pocket and pulls a small box out. It's covered in black velvet. This can't be happening. Not now. I can't help but put my hand over my mouth in shock. His family gasped, and his cousins turn away from the TV.

"No. I'm not proposing to you. I'm not crazy", Cole starts. He opens the small box, inside was silver banded ring with a golden heart and a small diamond in the middle of the heart. "It's a promise ring. I just got you back. Those five months, I went through hell without you. I promise that no matter what we go through in the future, I won't leave you, I won't hurt you, you and I will work out all of our arguments."

Joyful tears form in my eyes. "Oh my god". He takes the ring out of the box and grabs my right hand, sliding it onto my ring finger. "I promise too".

He smiles and stands up again. I wrap my around his neck and pull his face towards mine. I slide my lips over his. The family claps. Pushing away, Cole pushes only his forehead against mine. "I was nervous you wouldn't take it", he laughs.

"You have nothing to worry about", I whisper back.

"You have nothing to worry about", I whisper back

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