Chapter 15: 59 Days

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*Chicago does not have a real division 1 college hockey team. It just needed in the story*


Noah comes in tonight with his team for a hockey game against Chicago University. As soon as school is over, I'm driving out to the city to meet him for dinner. Cole couldn't come because he has a few hockey games this weekend, and a huge project due at the end of next week he needs to work on.

Today's school day dragged on so much. I was kind of hoping it was like the day I left for Boston, super quick. But each class seemed to drag on for at least 3 hours each. Addison and Marcus are up to their usually coupley things. Aiden saved me once again from the disgusting sights of them. I thank him every morning for it, and every morning he just laughs.

I check the time just as the bell rings. I take the books off my desk and shove them into my bag. Walking out, I rush to my locker, meeting Aiden there for a quick chat. I shove the books into my locker and say goodbye. He understands I'm excited to see Noah, so he lets me go with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I promised Aiden he would meet Noah at some point this weekend. He really wants to.

The drive takes just under half an hour. I drive into the city and park my Bug at the team's hotel. Walking into the lobby, I text Noah that I'm here. He replies back a moment later Be down in a sec.

I sit on a couch in the middle of the lobby and wait. I scroll through Facebook for a minute. "Princess", I hear him call from behind me.

I stand up quickly, locking my phone and shove it in my purse. I move around the couch and run to Noah. He opens his arms for me. I jump, a little, to him. I wrap my arms around his neck. He twirls me around for a moment before putting me back down. Our arms still wrapped around each other.

"Hey, Princess", Noah whispers.

"Hey", I reply.

We move away from each other, still kind of standing close. "So this is Chicago? It's not what I expected", Noah says.

"Well, let's see if it compares to Boston, because I guarantee you it's very fun here. You'll like it", I smile back.

"Then, let's hit the town. I want to see as much as I can before I leave on Saturday. I have two days, and one of them I have a hockey game".

Noah and I agree to head to United Center. Jonathan said the guys had an open practice tonight, Noah thought it would be cool. The hotel is only a few blocks from UC. I'm glad I didn't wear heels today. It's warm today, especially for October, so I decided to wear a dress and sandals with a jean jacket.

We arrive at the main entrance of UC. We get our tickets into the practice and head into the rink. It's also warmer in here than usual. Noah decides on a seat near the net. Crawford stands in the goal with his visiting jersey. Kane and Jonathan travel down the ice with their home jerseys on. They pass the puck between them, and soon enough, Kane takes a shot. Crawford catches it in his glove. They do this a few more times, starting from the opposite ends blue line, a few go into the net, most don't.

Jonathan and Kane look up. They see us and wave quickly, before skating over to us. They lift their helmets off their heads. Jonathan moves to a crack in between the glass panels. "Meet us in the locker room when we're done". Both Noah and I nod happily and the guys put their helmets back on. They skate away, back to practice.

About an hour later, the practice is over. Noah and I show our ID's to the security guard and he lets us into the tunnels. We find the locker room around the corner and wait for the guys to come out.

Half an hour later, the locker room door bursts open. Back in their normal clothes, Jonathan, Kane, and Seabrook walk out of the room of loud, rowdy hockey players. Jonathan gives me a hug, and the others greet Noah with guy hugs, and so does Jonathan.

"You see the city yet, Noah?" Brent asks.

"Not too much, just the route here and the way from the airport", Noah answers back.

"Then we need to take you around. Let's go out. Randy said that you could take school off tomorrow, Meredith, if you want. We just talked to him", Jonathan chimes in.

"That would be fun. I'm sure I could show you around more of the city", I look to Noah.

We all take a walk out in the city. Noah's arm is draped around my shoulders. He seems so happy, but I guess he always is. We pass some shops and restaurants. I'm definitely going to have to come back here to go in. The guys just want to walk, I don't think they would be thrilled with shopping.

"Hey, Kiddies", Kane says, breaking our groups silence. We stop in front of a store. "We have a surprise, in order for that happen, take a walk around the block. Johnny will text you when we are done".

"Okay, fine", I groan sarcastically. "Come on Noah. Let's hit the town. On our own".

We walk down the street a little ways, spotting a café at the end of the block. We decide to sit and have a coffee or something like that. It has an outdoor seating area.

At one of the tables, I see my dad sitting with a woman. Her back is to me, but I know that it isn't Mom. He looks kind of uncomfortable, but he keeps his 'tough' face.

I rush up to him. He looks terrified. The women looks at me, her eyes go soft. I feel different about her, and it isn't good. "What are you doing?"

Dad takes a deep breath, looking me in the eye.

"Meredith, this is your mother".

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