Chapter 8: 75 Days

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I finish packing my bag and head to school. I'll have to bring my suitcase to school, because I'm going straight to the airport to meet the 'Hawks for our flight. It leaves at 5:15.

I say goodbye to Mom as Dad carries my bag and puts it in my trunk. Mom starts to cry. She's both sad and happy. Sad that I'm leaving for the weekend, but happy I'm going to see Cole and Noah. I give her an extra hug goodbye and head off to school.

I meet Addison and Marcus at her locker. I say good morning to her, and once again ignore Marcus. He's still being a complete a$$ to me. Rude comments, evil smirks, and the list goes on and on. I ignore him, and he doesn't do anything. Soon enough, Aiden comes up to us, swooping me away from the so called happy couple. Marcus had finally asked Addison out officially. They've been dating for a week and a half now.

"Thank you", I whisper to Aiden as we walk down the hall towards our lockers. He laughs.

His locker is only one away from mine, which I hadn't found out until last week. He had just never used it. I open my locker, and shove my homework into it. The 5 minute bell rings. I grab my calculus notebook and head down the hall. Aiden goes off the opposite direction to his mechanics class.

The end of the day comes very quick. Aiden and I bid our goodbyes, which includes hugs now. We've become very close the past couple weeks. He's jealous I know a few players on the 'Hawks. I tell him that I will let him meet them at some point, but at this point, I don't know when. They have the season coming up very soon, and they are already super busy.

I get to O'Hare airport at 3:30. I park my Volkswagen in the long term parking and head inside. I find Jonathan sitting in a leather armchair in the lobby of the airport. He's wearing a dark grey suit with a magenta tie with a matching pocket square. He smiles when he sees me. Getting up, he gives me a small hug, then takes my suitcase handle from my hand.

"You don't have to do that", I say with a smile. "But thanks".

Jonathan and I check me in at the ticket desk, giving my bags to the attendant, and we head through security. The private flight is at the far end of the terminal. We board the flight immediately. It's a small plane. Just enough room for the team, the needed employees (coaches, trainers, medics), and a few extra seats if needed. Jonathan finds me a seat near the middle of the plane, he sits across the aisle with Patrick Kane. Coach Q greets me.

I notice a few wives with their hockey playing husbands, but not very many. They are all super spray tanned and have super blonde hair. I know for a fact not all of them look like that. I do know a few hockey wives. They are so nice, and definitely don't look like that.

We take off, and Jonathan looks nervous. "Are you okay?" I ask. Kane and I both seem concerned.

"I don't like flying, you know that", he says with a nervous smile.

"But you fly constantly. Aren't you used to it by now?"

"Nope", he pops the P. "I never will be".

We land at Logan airport 2 hours later. The wives can't wait to get off this, what they call death tube. The wives practically jump off the plane. Next is the men. They rise from their seats, adjust their suit jackets, and head down the stairs onto the tarmac. Jonathan lets me out in front of him. I walk down the steep stairs and almost trip, because of two reasons. First, as I said, the stairs were steep, and second, cameras flash all around me.

"Don't pay attention to them. Just follow Kane", Jonathan whispers from behind me.

I look straight ahead. We head onto a bus with the Chicago Blackhawks logo on the side. I find two seats on the left side of the aisle. Taking a seat, Jonathan sits next to me. The bus leaves the tarmac. We head through the city and to the team's regular hotel when they stay in Boston.

A man hands me my bag from the bus storage and we head into the lobby. Jonathan takes me up to the desk and checks in for my room. He got me a room on the teams floor. The lady hands me 3 key cards. Coach Q talks to the team for a minute before we pack into the elevators and head to the 7th floor.

Jonathan's room is way at the end, and mine is across from his. I open the door and find a note on my bed. I drag my suitcase to the end of the bed and open the envelope.

Hey sweet thang,

I can't wait to see you. Meet me in the lobby at 8:30. Wear something cute and dressy.(That shouldn't be hard)

I'll be waiting, your boyfriend.

PS, I promise Noah won't be there. You can see him tomorrow.

I squeal in excitement. I immediately check the clock. 8:22. How did it get so late? We landed at 7:15.

I put my suitcase on the bed and take out my short white dress and teal sweater. Finishing off the outfit, my heeled tan booties add just the right height. I quickly head into the bathroom and fix my hair so it looks naturally wavy, which it definitely isn't. The clock says 8:29. I grab my messenger bag purse and head to the elevator. Jonathan winks at me as he comes from someone else room, probably Kaner's.

The elevator ride seems to take forever. I tap my finger on the railing on the wall of the elevator. A moment later, the doors open and I rush out. In the lobby, I look around for a second. Then I see him, standing in a black button down shirt and dark pants.

He is the epitome of perfection.

My boyfriend. Cole Anderson.

One More Day (Counting on Hockey #2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ