Chapter 29: I'm Home

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"You're home", he says into my ear.

"Forever", I say back.

The crowd cheers behind us, and after a while it stops. Cole puts me down, but as soon as he does, our lips meet for just a second. The rest of the hockey team crowds around us, and I'm in the middle of the team hug. I laugh as I feel like I'm getting squished to death.

I finally lead the group back into the locker room. Noah finds us and the guys all get showered and dressed quickly. "So, where we going for dinner?" Noah asks as the last guy is fully dressed and we walk into the locker room.

"Mere's choice", a few different people call out through the room.

"How about Gino's? I have been craving that place since I moved out to Illinois. Their pizza in Chicago was okay, but it somehow didn't compare to this place", I answer back. The guys agree and we all find our cars in the parking lot. The three of us get in Cole's car and we head out to Gino's.

The ride only takes 10 minutes. We park and head into the team's normal room, what we call the Victory Space. Cole decides that I should sit at the head of the table since its my celebration for being back home. Noah and Cole sit at either side of me, and Coach sits all the way at the other end.

Coach orders 15 pizzas for all of us. After that, he stands from the head of the table to start his victory speech. "So, we have our lucky charm back. I would like to thank her for coming back tonight. We knew she was there for every game, so I would like to think that she was always the deciding vote for over time wins. Meredith, you are the greatest good luck charm this team has ever had. I'm very glad you are home. Welcome back"

"Thanks Coach. Would you mind if I say a few words?" Coach nods, I stand up. "Well, let's just say you guys have changed so much. I don't know you freshmen yet, but I'm just telling you now, take the time to thank Coach. I went through so much throughout my couple of years here, and he was always there. And I wasn't even on the team. He is the best coach you could ever have. But, for the team that I do know. I missed you guys so much. You know how much your team meant to me, and leaving was so hard. But I'm back, and I can't wait to boss your little butts around again", they all clap and I sit back down.

We finish our dinner and a few of the seniors and Cole decide to hang out with Noah and I at my new house. We take the 20 minutes drive out and they all park on the curb. I lead them inside to the living room that I haven't even really looked at yet. I can definitely tell Mrs. Smith decorated it, just like the rest of the house.

I sit on the window seat with Cole. His arms wrapped around me like he is never going to let me go. I missed that feeling. Noah and the others sit on the floor, or on either of the two couches. We all sit and talk for awhile until everyone looks at the clock and realizes it's almost midnight. The guys and Cole leave quickly because their parents would be mad if they stayed out any later.

I give Cole a kiss and he heads a little ways down the side walk to his car. I smile watching him walk away. I love him so much. I don't really know how to explain how much I love him. Every time I look at him, my stomach drops and my face lights up.

I can tell Noah's watching me from the kitchen doorway. I look behind me and see him smiling. I smile back and turn back to the road where Cole speeds off and into the night. I lose sight of his lights as soon as he turns the corner.

"I see the way you look at him", Noah says to me as I close the front door. He leans against the kitchen doorway. "This is gonna get cheesy. I'm warning you now", I sit on the stairs, looking to the side of me, over at him.

"I've only had one girlfriend before every girl just assumes I'm already taken and I have no idea how to talk to any other girl but you and your sister, and even your sister is a little iffy. But I have always secretly wanted the relationship that you have with Cole. I mean you moved away, even if it was just for a few months. He would literally call or text me every day saying how much he missed you. And, don't get me wrong, I missed you too. But I could tell he was heartbroken every time you two talked because he didn't actually get to see you. Meredith, you two look exactly the same way at each other, and it's not the way other high school couples look at each other, either. You two love each other so much, sometimes it's disgusting to look at", that was a joke, a smile appears on his face. "What happened on Halloween, it will never leave my mouth to another person. I know you already know that, but I felt like I had to say it again".

"Thank you, Noah. And, you are right. That was the cheesiest thing you have ever said", I smile at him.

He walks over a few feet in front of the stairs. I stand up on the second stair and grab his shoulders, pulling him towards me. I'm taller than him this time, so my arms wrap around his neck, and his around my waist. We stay like this for a moment. We move away from one another.

He suddenly grabs me by the hips and hoists me over his shoulder. I squeal as he runs up the stairs. He runs down the hallway and into my room. He throws me on the mattress, then runs out of my bedroom, slamming the door. I jump off the bed and try to open the door. It isn't locked, but I can't open it. He's holding the door from other side.

"Noah Travis Smith! I swear to god. This isn't funny!" Even though, it actually is. I scream at him, laughing.

"No, I'm your guardian now. I say, go to bed", Noah laughs from the other side of the door.

I struggle to find the strength to open the door. But I already know it's no use. Still, with both of us laughing, I put my back against the door and slide down until I'm sitting with my knees to my chest. I hear Noah do the same. I know he isn't leaving until morning, I just know it.

"Goodnight, Noah", I say through the door.

"Goodnight, Princess".

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