Chapter 32: Wedding Day

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Cole and I drive down to Jonathan's sister, Francesca's wedding. It's down in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The drive is just about 4 hours. I pick him up at his house and we start our drive. We have to be there by noon, so we left at 7:30 to give us plenty of time, just in case.

We step out of the car in front of an old, rustic, stone church on Harvard's campus. It's small and very quaint. On the opposite end of the parking lot, I spot my parents car. They picked Cara up on their way here, from OSU. They step out of the car. I run over as fast as I can to them. "Mom! Dad! Cara!" I yell.

They all look over at me. I hug Mom first, then Cara, and finally Dad. I haven't seen my parents since January, though I did see Cara at the end of February when OSU had a game against U of Maine. Her team won, and it was a really good game. I'm glad I was able to go.

We head into the church. France's family sits on the left side, Will's on the right. I look for Jonathan, and soon find him in the front row with his parents. I grab Cole's hand and drag him with me over to Jonathan and his parents. He greets Cole and I.

"Hey Mere. Long time no see", Jonathan wraps me in a hug.

"Your sister is getting married before you are", I say sarcastically. "How you feel about that?" I look at both him and his brother, David.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny", Jonathan replies.

"I'm just happy she's getting off my back", David chimes in, giving a small laugh.

Cole, Cara, my parents, and I take our seats in the third row behind Jonathan and his family. Soon enough, the doors at the back of the room open, Will and his groomsmen walk down the aisle, and a moment later, France walks down with her father to her right.

They walk slowly down the blue flower laced aisle. Her dress is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm envious of the way her hair is done. France's vale drapes down her back and about 5 feet behind her. Her dress is an off white, a mermaid style with jewels covering the bodice.

France and Mr. Toews stop in front of Will and the priest. Mr. Toews kisses France on the cheek, then sits down in front of us with Mrs. Toews.

The priest goes on with his wedding speech about power and honor and stuff like that. Now, for the vows. Will goes first.

"Francesca Rose Toews. You are my lover and my teacher. You are my best friend, and sometimes my worst enemy. But through all of that, I will love you and honor you always. I will love you through sickness and health, through thick and thin. Forever and always", I see France move her hand to her face and wipe a small tear away. I myself have to wipe a tear away from my cheek.

"William Quincy Rogers. You are my lover and my teacher. You are my best friend, and sometimes my worst enemy. Through all of that, I will love you and honor you always. I will love you through thick and thin, through sickness and health. Forever and always", Will smiles at France as he wipes another tear away from her face.

"It gives me great pleasure", the priest starts. "To pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. William Quincy Rogers. William, you may kiss the bride".

With that, Will grabs the sides of France's face and pulls her face towards his. The crowd claps as they finish their passionate kiss and run down the aisle towards the front of the church and out the doors. The crowd stands up quickly and follow them to the sidewalk. The happy newly wed couple races into a limo. They reach their heads out of the moon roof a moment later, and everyone cheers as they drive off.

This is what I want some day. With the guy holding my hand right now. Cole John Anderson.

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