Chapter Three

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Furnunculus - Jinx, causing one to break out in boils

~Arden Diggory~

Draco suspiciously left the hall after looking at me. I'm sure it was nothing, but it seemed like he left because he noticed I was here. Maybe it was just the twins being too silly for him. Who knows, I never understand anything that boy does.

"Have you guys noticed anything weird about Draco?" I asked Ron and Harry.

"Who cares about that bloody git anyway?" Ron said coldly. Harry nudged Ron, making Ron shut up. "Sorry Arden. But yeah, he's been weirder than usual. You'd think he'd try and piss us off by now but so far he's done nothing but stare at you." Ron said.

"You've noticed too?" I asked.

"We make sure you're not being picked on at the Slytherin table. I saw Malfoy eyeing you last night." Harry said.

"Probably plotting to kill you." Ron snickered.

"Probably..." I sighed. I looked at the hall entrance, wondering if he were still lingering around. He wasn't. "I'm gonna go see what this is about. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I waved Harry and Ron goodbye and walked out of the hall. Ahead of me, I saw Draco fast walking down the corridor. I jogged slightly to catch up to him. He heard my footsteps and instantly turned around, giving me a dirty look.

"What do you want Diggory." He spat. I folded my arms tightly over my chest, nervous to talk to him. I don't even know why I followed him. Yes I wanted to know what his deal was, but I didn't really plan on talking to him.

"I- I uh.." I stuttered. Draco looked at me in disgust.

"Well spit it out, I haven't got all day." I unfolded my arms and started twiddling my fingers. "Merlin's sake Diggory if you've got nothing to say, I'll be on my way." He spat. I needed to say something, what though? Maybe I should ask about why he yelled at me about Cedric on the platform...

"I just wanted to ask. What did Cedric do on the train?" I asked. Draco's expression changed from disgusted to worried. He looked around and avoided my eyes. "Draco?"

"Nothing that concerns you." He said coldly.

"Then why did you mention it to me on the platform..." I said. Draco groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Nothing, I'm not bothered by it anymore." He turned on his heels and started walking away. I caught up with him and blocked his path. "Move it Diggory, or I'll jinx you so bad that Eloise Midgen's spots will look like light freckles compared to what you'll look like!" He threatened. I backed away from him, afraid he'll jinx me.

"Please don't jinx me Draco, I just want to talk..." I mumbled. Draco's threatening glare turned soft. He let a small smile appear on his face, but he instantly wiped it away, and scowled at me.

"Talk about what, how if you don't move out of my way I'll get my father to sack yours from the ministry?"

"What does me not moving out of the way have to do with my father's career?" I asked innocently. I looked at him with puppy eyes, trying to make him stop being rude. Draco scoffed and looked away from my face. I kept the same expression, trying to make him soften up. Draco kept his head turned away from me, but turned his eyes to me. I still kept the same expression. Draco sighed

"I'm sorry Arden." He apologised, while rubbing the back of his neck. Draco Malfoy apologising? And saying my first name? There's definitely something wrong with him. I gave him a heartwarming smile and took his hands off my shoulders.

"So... Why are you fussed about my Slytherin qualities?" I asked.

"This again?" He whined.

"Alright never mind..." I mumbled.

"Can I be on my way now, Diggory?" He asked. I looked into Draco's steel grey eyes and thought. Not about what my answer was, but about how I've never noticed how shiny his eyes were. Draco clicked his fingers in front of my face to get me out of my trance. "Hello? Draco to Arden here! I know I'm good looking but I didn't think it was enough to put you in a trance." Draco teased. I rolled my eyes, and remembered him always calling me Pretty Diggory.

"Why do you always call me Pretty Diggory?" I asked. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Because you're pretty, can I go now?" He said. I felt my cheeks grow warmer. Is Pretty Diggory actually a compliment disguised as an annoying nickname? Does Draco really think I'm pretty?

Draco noticed my blushing and scoffed. "Don't be so special, I was being sarcastic." Draco spat. He pushed me out of his way and strutted in the direction of the dungeons. Well, so much for whatever compliment I thought Draco gave me. I watched him walk away from me, and thought: if I were his friend, would this taunting stop?

Draco may make rude comments to Crabbe and Goyle, but perhaps maybe I could be his friend, and avoid those comments? It was definitely something that would take time to do. For some reason however, being the awkward girl I am, I called out to Draco.

"Draco!" I called out. Draco groaned and turned around, dreading to look at me.

"What now?" He demanded. I looked at the floor and started playing with the hem of my sweater under my robes.

"Can we be friends?" I asked softly. Draco took a few steps forward.

"Speak up, I can barely even hear you." He said rudely. I looked away from the floor, and into his pretty grey eyes.

"I said. Can we be friends?" I asked louder. Draco looked taken aback, and raised an eyebrow.

"You? Pretty Diggory, want to be friends with me?" He asked in disbelief. At first I thought he would mock me for wanting to be friends with him, but he seems shocked that I want to. Something with him is so off. He's giving me nice sweet looks then the next second he looks like he's plotting my murder. He's absolutely mental. I nodded, and Draco just sighed. He turned back around and started walking away. Way to disregard my question... I ran up to him, to walk with him to the dungeons.

"So, are we?" I asked again. Draco rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Acquaintances. Can you drop it now?" He said. I nodded and we walked to the Slytherin common room in silence.

Draco Malfoy and I, acquaintances. That's something I thought would never happen.

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