Chapter Thirty Three

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I Must Not Talk Back

~Arden Diggory~

I scowled at the ugly woman and leaned back in my seat. She seriously just gave me detention? I crossed my arms and scowled at her as she continued rambling on about not using magic in class.

Draco looked at me apologetically, but smiled. I sighed and kept staring at the front of the classroom.

"Right! Page one." She announced.

I didn't open the book. What's a text book going to teach me about defence? 'Oh yes, rather, you must look for the signs of danger'. It's a load of crap. Look for signs of danger? I think a man in a Death Eater mask pointing his wand at me is a good enough sign of danger for me.

Death Eaters... the scenario I just described was playing in my head. What if that does happen to me one day, but the man behind the mask is Draco?

No, it won't be. If Draco's father really is a Death Eater, then I refuse to believe Draco will become one also. He can be mean to others, but being a Death Eater is not in Draco's nature.

Everyone lazily opened their textbooks. Lena, who was once enthusiastic, now looked like she had the life sucked out of her, and was sulking as she did as she was told.

I scoffed. "This woman can't be serious." I whispered to Draco. "Can she really make us just do book work all year?"

Draco shrugged. "She can. It may be boring but she's right about us not needing to do magic in the exam. She's helping us in a way." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you really going to defend her?" I argued. Draco looked up at Umbridge, who was smiling at the two of us, most likely waiting for us to stop talking.

"I'm just saying, she's just preparing us for the owls." He whispered. "I don't really want detention. I'll talk to you about it some other time."

I groaned. I noticed that Harry hadn't opened his book at all either. I guess we're both stubborn. Umbridge tiptoed her way over to my desk, smiling sweetly down at me, not saying a single word.

"Can  I help you?" I spat. Umbridge looked taken aback, and shook her head in disapproval.

"That's not how you speak to a professor. Do you do this to all of your teachers?" She asked.

I scoffed. "Only the impractical ones." I smirked as I saw Ron a few desks in front of me muffle his giggles by placing his hand over his mouth.

"Well then... Miss Diggory I've heard many wonderful things about you, but I guess they were wrong."

"I really don't care what you thi-" I felt Draco lightly kick me underneath the desk. He mouthed the word stop to me, and looked worriedly at the professor.

"You seem to have a knack for talking back, Miss Diggory..." She said. Umbridge opened my book, and delicately flicked over the pages. "Page one."

Draco sighed and squeezed my hand for a moment, and looked at me. "Are you alright?" He whispered.

I nodded. "I suppose..."

Draco put his concentration back in his book. I knew he was thinking, I could tell from the way he bit his lip, also his eyes weren't scanning the words, but were just staring blankly at them.


"First day is over! What do we do now?" I heard Lena ask behind me.

"Well we do whatever. Hang around in our dorms until supper." Hermione answered. Ever since DADA, Lena had clung onto Hermione for Hogwarts guidance. Few times during the day, Hermione would look back at me to help her, but I guess Hermione has learnt to tolerate Lena's enthusiasm. "Arden, you have detention, don't forget." Hermione reminded me.

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