Chapter Fourty One

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Slytherin vs Gryffindor

The first Quidditch match since the holiday break was that day. Arden was never a fan of Quidditch, she hadn't been to any games all year. But this time she decided to go, the first time Slytherin was playing against Gryffindor. Although she wanted to witness her boyfriend play as the Seeker for the first time, she was mainly there to make sure he didn't pick any fights after the game.


Arden ran into the hospital wing. She saw Ron, Hermione, and other friends of Harry's surrounding his bed. The potion had given him severe burns, but Madame Pomfrey could heal them within an hour being the brilliant healer she was.

Draco sat at the end of the wing. His hands running through his platinum blonde hair, messing it up the more he tugged his roots.

He had never been this hurt before. How could Harry do such a thing, and why did Arden let it happen? Why didn't she tell him?

It all came back to he and Harry's first fight. The words 'I swear' ran through his head over and over again.

"It's my fault." He whispered to himself. "It's all my fault."

Draco told Arden that Harry thought of her as an object. Knowing how sensitive she was, Draco knew that it would push her away from Harry, and it did. The consequences of lying have stabbed him in the back. Did Arden have feelings for his nemesis? Was he going to lose her?

He disguised his despair with anger, hoping that none of the Gryffindors would ever see him sad in any way.

Arden's shoes clicked against the stone as she kept her eyes on Draco, but all of Harry's friends turned to her.

"Arden!" Fred Weasley exclaimed. Draco quickly spun around and looked at her. His heart sank, he expected her to ignore him, and stand by Harry.

Harry Potter lit up as he saw Arden in the doorway. He cockily smiled at her, causing Arden's stomach to churn in disgust.

"Hey, come here." Harry said in a raspy voice.

Arden looked longingly at Draco, but then marched up to Harry. She pushed past Ron, and gave Harry the most menacing look of pure disgust Harry has ever seen on someone.

"You're lucky I'm nice enough to consider the condition you're in, and not beat you up right now!" Arden's voice raised like a crescendo. The people around Harry's bed took a step away from her, and Harry looked almost frightened.

Draco smirked as he watched his girlfriend threaten his nemesis. He couldn't help but feel more attracted to her when she was angry or being mean to others.

Hermione struggled to hide her smile as well. She had warned Harry not to intrude, and unsurprisingly Harry didn't listen to her. As soon as the boys were taken out of the classroom, Hermione had to coax Arden until she stopped crying whilst vowing to murder Harry Potter under her breath.

"I'm sorry-"

Arden slapped Harry across the face. Harry flinched at the pain, he was lucky that Arden was nice enough to slap his face, where no burns resided on his skin.

"I never want to talk to you again, Potter" She spat.

Arden ran over to the bed at the far back of the wing, and felt her heart shatter as she stared at Draco sitting on the edge. He was covering his face. Arden thought that he was crying, but in fact, Draco was trying to hide the grin on his face.

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