Chapter Fifty Nine

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The Patronus

Draco had told Arden everything that happened since they were apart. How his father was imprisoned, forcing him to join the Death Eaters. How he and his family will be killed if he doesn't kill Dumbledore.

Arden couldn't believe that he'd gotten into this mess, but she didn't feel the need to abandon him in his time of need.

"Arden I hope you realise the risk you're taking by being with me..." Draco sighed. The two of them walked together towards the lake by the forbidden forest. Draco had started to fail his classes due to his focus on the mission, so Arden decided to try and help Draco catch up on his work.

"I'm completely aware Draco." She sighed. "But right now I only care about you and your deteriorating grades." Arden cleared up some of the snow with her wand, and dried up the grass before sitting down.

The two sat cross legged next to each other, and opened up the their Defence Against the Dark Arts books.

"We've been doing non-verbal spells and resisting the Imperius curse." She started. "I know you're already good at non-verbal spells, so we'll be ignoring the spells and doing the theory."

Draco groaned, making Arden shoot a glare at him. "We're learning about Dementors..." she said, ignoring Draco's bored expression.

Draco leaned on Arden's shoulder and fake yawned. "I'm bored already." He sighed.

"Well you need to know these if you want to pass." She said. "Look, if you don't want to learn the theory, we can practice the Patronus charm instead if you want."

Draco groaned. "No I'd rather not do schoolwork during free time with you." He whined as he clung unto Arden.

She couldn't help but laugh at his childish behaviour as she pulled him off of her. "If you get it right then I might give you a reward." She teased seductively.

Draco smirked. "And what would that be?" He asked.

Arden shrugged and turned away from Draco. "I don't know." She said. Arden started to pack her books away into her bag. "But you seem bored, so I guess we should just heady back-"

"No no no!" Draco grabbed Arden's arm, stopping her from leaving.

"You're so easy." She teased.

Draco put a hand over his heart and mocked offence. "I'm sorry what?" He said sarcastically.

Arden laughed as she took out her wand. "Let's just get on with the spell. The incantation is Expecto Patronum, but-"

"Expecto Patronum." Draco muttered as he pointed his wand towards the lake. He  furrowed his brow, spells always worked for him. "It didn't work..."

"Well if you waited for me to finish..." Arden sighed. "You would have known that the Patronus charm isn't just any old spell. Dementors feed off of your happiest memories, in order to protect yourself from them you need to let those memories take over you."

"That's very vague information."

"Well I can't really explain it. Find your happiest memories and just... yeah."

Draco tried his best to think of a moment that truly made him happy. He closed his eyes as he concentrated.

"Expecto Patronum!" He casted. A white silver light emitted from his wand briefly, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"There you go!" Arden cheered. "You might want to try a memory stronger than that though... what did you think about?"

"The time I first rode a broom." He said.

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