Chapter Fifty Seven

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Once Draco had realised how many days he spent in the hospital, he had a mini freak out right in front of Arden, ranting about how he hadn't 'done any work on it' as she recalled.

"Malfoy relax, whatever assignments you have due soon have been extended. Everyone knows you've been hospitalised." She said.

Draco shook his head. "No no it's not that, Diggory." He'd say breathlessly. "It's much more than that."

"I know you're smarter than me in almost every subject, but I can help you with whatever you've got to work on-"

"No, this is my job, and only I can work on it." He spat.

Arden got up from the hospital bed and stepped away from him. "Well you don't have to be so rude."

Draco sighed. "Look I'm sorry but I just need to focus on this." Draco's hands fumbled as he tried to tie his tie. After only a few seconds he gave up and cursed under his breath. Draco grabbed his things and began speed walking out of the hospital.

"Malfoy, wait!" Arden yelled.

Draco gestured for her to go away. "I don't need your help! Just leave me alone!"

Arden gave up trying to go after him and sighed. Obviously whatever drugs he had been under while healing had worn off, and he was back to his hateful self.


It had been 3 days, and Draco had only slept for 4 hours across those days. He spent all his time in the room of requirement, repairing the cabinet. He had attended all of his classes, but he never paid attention in any of them. He was either half asleep, or busy planning what he should do if the cabinet were to never be fixed.

The first class that Arden had was Potions. She walked along with Ron, since Hermione was with another friend, and Arden wasn't too happy with how Harry handled the situation in the boy's bathroom.

"He's been walking around like a bloody corpse." Ron said. "His skin is practically grey, and not to mention all the gnarly scars Harry left on his face make him look even more like death."

Arden sighed. "Oh well, he's back to hating my guts I suppose."

The two were a few minutes late to their class. Everyone gathered around Slughorn's table where a large cauldron sat with a lid on it.

"In this very cauldron is something we will learn to make very shortly. It's probably the most dangerous potion you will learn this year." He warned. Slughorn lifted the lid off the cauldron, which caused many students to sigh in bliss as the scents of their favourite things filled their nostrils. "Can anyone tell me what this is?"

Arden raised her hand, and Slughorn pointed at her to speak.

"It's Armortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world." She began. "But it doesn't cause the drinker to fall in love with the person who gave it to them, but causes them to fall into a crazed state of infatuation and lust, a fake kind of love if you will."

Arden sighed as she felt herself becoming entranced by one particular scent, but continued her answer anyway. "The potion's scent is different to every person according to what attracts them, for example, I can smell broom polish, ButterBeer and-"

The final scent that had been sending her into a frenzy was finally identified. It was Draco's strong cologne. Her eyes widened, and she hesitated to continue.

"A-and daisies..." she lied.

Slughorn nodded. "Excellent, 5 points to Slytherin."

The classroom door bursted open, and an incredibly exhausted Draco Malfoy shuffled slowly into the room, barely being able to keep his eyes open from the 2 hour sleep he had just had.

"Sorry I'm late." He sighed. Draco took in the strong scent that filled the whole room, and scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"Merlin, how much of your perfume do you have to spray, Diggory?" He spat.

Arden's eyes widened as she saw the steam of the Armotentia flow around the whole room. 'The Armortentia makes him smell my perfume?' she thought.

Hermione covered her mouth to hide her huge grin, while Ron's jaw had dropped, but you could still see the hint of a smile.

Draco glared as everyone stared at him oddly. "What?" He spat.

Slughorn held in a giggle. "Thank you for sharing what scent the Armortentia gives off to you, Mr Malfoy." He taunted.

Draco felt his heart beat faster upon realising what he had just done. His pale, colourless cheeks turned bright red, and he quickly looked down at the ground then hid behind a group of Slytherins.

Arden was blushing just as hard as Draco, could it mean that he really did love her? Arden couldn't help it, and beamed as she watched Draco glance at her occasionally. Arden looked at the ground, and bit her lip to try and keep herself from smiling, but it just wouldn't happen.

"Right, pair up for this task please!" Slughorn announced.

Arden and Draco found themselves almost shoving other people out of the way just to get to each other. He looked down at her, cheeks still bright red.

"I uh-"

"Let's just make this potion." She teased. Draco nodded quickly, and followed her to a desk at the back.

The two started putting their ingredients in a line, in order of which was to be used first, just like they did when they were together.

They didn't talk, except for directing the other in mixing ingredients into the potion, but the two did share a few glances that made their hearts melt.

And they were done in no time. They worked perfectly together, that's just how it always was with the two of them.

While they waited for the class to finish, Draco finally spoke up.

"I think you can tell now that I was lying..." he mumbled.

Arden sighed. "Yeah, I just want to know why is all..." she said. "Is it your family?

Draco looked at the ceiling in thought. In a way, it most certainly was his family, but it was the fact that his family would be killed if he didn't complete this task on time. Not to mention, if he were successful, Arden would be at high risk if the Dark Lord knew about her.

"I guess..." he sighed.

Arden frowned. "You didn't have to completely shatter my heart though." She sighed. "I would have been fine with it's not you it's me."

"It hurt me just as much to do that to you." Draco grazed his hand against hers lightly, asking to hold her hand. Arden took her hand away, and folded her arms, being stubborn with Draco. "I understand if you don't forgive me-"

"I just don't understand why you had to go as far as saying that you never had feelings for me!" She snapped.

"It was to keep you safe, Arden." He said seriously. "I'll explain to you after class, as long as you come to the room of requirement with me..."

Arden shifted her eyes to him, looking at him through the corner of her eye. "Wouldn't we be skipping our other classes?"

Draco smirked. "Is Pretty Diggory afraid to skip classes with Draco Malfoy?" He teased.

Arden rolled her eyes. She didn't even need to hear his taunts, she only needed to see him smile like that to instantly agree to anything he said.

Arden agreed to Draco's request, and the two kept working on their Potions notes as they waited for next period.

They quickly jogged out of the room together towards the room of requirement.

Hand in hand.



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