Raccoon, hippo, and spaceship

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One night in a bedroom a boy name Charlie was sleeping Charlie has black hair and blue eyes he was a bit short for his age with a girlish face but he was smart as Stephen Hawking. Charlie was in a deep sleep Until he hears a strange noise outside of his house he gets out of his bed to check it out. But there was nothing outside of his house then a beam of light came to his room and lifted Charlie with his dirty laundry phasing through his house into a spaceship.The door of the ship opens the beam of light stops at the stocking area of the ships and him on the floor the ship doors closed. A person came walking out of nowhere was half human and raccoon it was tall as an average male and the raccoon wears an outfit straight out of a cyberpunk movie.

Charlie couldn't tell if the raccoon was a guy or a girl the raccoon walk slowly to Charlie and Charlie walk slowly backward unit he trips over his dirty clothes and fall back of his head and got knocked out. Charlie wakes up in a white room there was nothing in the room. The room was soft and cold it feels like a mega mattress. Charlie stands up and rubs back of his head. Charlie thinks to himself " alright I'm been kidnapped by an alien raccoon and I'm wearing nothing but a Deadpool t-shirt and pink boxer. Well, at least it can't get any worse ". Charlie regrets saying that thing get worse. Then the room open and the raccoon walk in and walk to Charlie and says " human you have been chosen to be our warrior for the tournament". Charlie wonders what tournament the raccoon was talking about. He hopes that tournament will not be a fight to the death he only 15 1/2 and he never even kisses a girl.

Charlie asked the raccoon " so what type of tournament is like is it a fight to the death or loser go home" the raccoon laughs and said " it's a fight to the death, of course, you silly no tail, five fingers, human ha ha" Charlie feel his heart beating fast after hearing that. He asked the raccoon another question " so why did you choose me not like a big buff jock guy with tons of steroids in his vain " the raccoon answer his question " one I don't know what is steroids and second, to be honest, we pick you randomly". Charlie thinks " why do I have such shitty luck". The raccoon said to Charlie " come on human I got to show you something and give you a pair of pants". Charlie blush and they walk out of the room. They walk in ship hallways. Charlie sees the earth and he thought that was so beautiful and so small in space. The raccoon tells Charlie " we don't have time to look out a blue planet ". They walk into another room with a big tv and TV set also a bright red couch with a hipster hippo with a robot arm and he is shorted. The hippo talks to the raccoon " so pipe you find another warrior for the tournament " the boy thinks " first a talking raccoon name pipe and a robot arm hippo what next a bat with laser eyes and what another warrior." "Pipe tells the hippo yes ure and show him the tournament to see what he in for".

Ure turn on the tv and it shows a city in the middle of the sky. Then a title appeared and it says galaxy tournament. Then a robotic voice came out and said "welcome to galaxy tournaments that show action, gore, and mayhem to keep your flat, big, or 5 ass on your site last time ricktor have been cut into tiny cubes by cherry knife men". The tv shows an alien turning into tiny cubes by an ugly monster Charlie stomach turn inside out. The robotic voice sounds like a sports announcement the voice keeps talking " alright folks next round will come up next and place your bets during the commercial break". Ure turn off the tv and said: "do you get the big picture".

Charlie then said "so you kidnapped me for money in a battle to the death" " yep" said pipe and the ure said "like it or not you and that other human will fight if not then me and pipe well kill you both and dumped both of your bodies in space" Charlie gulps and pipe grab Charlie arm and drags him into another room with a window and s boy wearing a pj's. Pipe threw Charlie into the room and Said: " well hope you two talk each other because it's going to be a long trip with a nice view".

A galaxy adventure 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora