A new life

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" I know that I piss you off for past couple days but you can please just let me go" said Charlie trying to persuade Amber " no idiot got tons of charges that you and your friends made now on your feet" said Amber bringing Charlie on his feet putting handcuffs on him. Ken see what's happening he thinks of something as fast as he can he turn to see a bunch of cops fighting Itez one of them drops a laser rifle. Ken grabs it and runs to Justin "Justin I need you to get the ship fast" said Ken " what about you Ken" said Justin " I have to save Charlie" Ken goes towards Charlie and Amber

Amber and Charlie start walking to the police ship "Listen to me officer i have been abducted from home and all I want is to go back to my planet" said Charlie " yeah I heard that about the million one times keep moving" Ocoliv stumble out of the ship he coughs up blood he hold a pistol he see Charlie and some police officers "there now I'm letting you after this" Ocoliv said to himself he fires he gun to Charlie. Charlie see a laser toward him and Amber "look out" said Charlie pulling Amber to the ground with him as the laser fly past him Charlie was on top of Amber Charlie blushed as try to say to speak as Amber was embarrassed and angry "I'm so sorry" said Charlie as get off of Amber and started to run away from her Amber turns to see who try to shoot her she sees Ocoliv holding a gun as he nervously laughs.
Charlie runs to see Ken with a Laser rifle "how did you escape" said Ken "no time shoot the cuff off" said Charlie. Ken aimed the rifle and blasted the handcuffs freeing Charlie hands Justin fly the ship to Ken and Charlie they get in Justin fly's the ship off of the planet

Amber see the Charlie and his friend flying off "I was so close" she said Amber handcuffs Ocoliv who said " if you released me I'll tell what your future husband" Amber knocks Ocoliv out the police force finally bet Itez and arrested him as well they put them in the police ship and they fall away as the sun flair come to the planet.

A week later Charlie and Ken are now leaving with Justin on planet "Suonia" a planet that was like earth but full of different aliens and large skyscrapers as sky was navy blue as ground was solid red. Ken, Charlie, and Justin live in a complex apartment building Ken and Justin watch tv on a red couch as Charlie was in his room drawing a picture of a girl the girl was Grace  after drawing her he stuck the picture to the wall next to another picture of his aunt as he said to it " don't worry Aunt Lucy and Grace I'll be back to earth I'm no time". Charlie walks and sit next to his new friends as they watch tv Charlie and Ken hope they get back to earth.

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