Motel and Sleep

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Charlie and Ken been flying in space for hours getting tried every single minutes Ken try to force himself not to go to sleep. He looked up to see a stars and planets all around them Ken shake Charlie with one hand "hey Charlie does your watch tell you any good place to sleep" said Ken. Charlie turns on the watch and planets pop up he look at where they going he sees a small moon with building on it he touches the moon it says "WYT'AR motel". Charlie said to ken "just go north west and there will be a moon with motel called WYT'AR" Ken goes to the direction of Charlie to the motel.

They arrive to a small moon it was two floor motel with a small pool there was a large glowing sign next to motel saying "WYT'AR we don't allow Kohara". Ken parked ship in the parking lot Ken and Charlie walk in to the motel lobby an alien was sitting lobby desk he had grey skin, an antenna, dark red eyes, three fingers and little bit of hair under his chin he was wearing a purple jacket and brown pants the alien was reading a magazine called "sexy xoons". Charlie walk up to the lobby desk and asked the alien "excuses me... (Charlie look down to see a name tag that said Daze) Daze we would like a room". Daze put down his magazine and said to Charlie "depends how much you got" Ken looked inside of the wallet he pulls out 3 credits and puts it on the desk Daze looks at the credits "that would give you two days to stay" said Daze he pulls the desk dower he grabs a key from it and handed to Charlie "here your room key tour room is 22 enjoy your stay" said Daze getting back to his magazine Ken and Charlie walked to they're room it was next an ice machine Charlie opens the door and turns on the light the room has two beds, a couch, a television,  a desk, and one bathroom. Ken and Charlie took off their shoes Charlie turns off the lights both them get into the beds try to go sleep.

Ken and Charlie try to sleep but there was awkwardness in the air Ken turn to Charlie and said to him "hey Charlie are you still awake wake" Charlie responded "yeah it feels weird not sleeping at my house or the fact I'm sleeping on motel on the moon in another galaxy" "same good thing we stick together or both us might have died by the way I never you got your last name Charlie " "my last name is River" "wait your first name is Charlie and your last name River" " what's wrong with that" "nothing but river sounds way cooler then Charlie for now I'm calling you River" "fine but what your last name" " Redfield" " oh that niece Ken if I don't make it back to earth can find my house in Phoenix Arizona can you tell my aunt that I love her" " your aunt what about your mom and dad  River " " they died" " oh I'm so sorry" " that's okay any way I got one last question ken" " what is it" "what do you want to be when you grow up" " I want to be an actor or a cop like my dad" " well I always want be a comic book artiest I'm really good at drawing" really that cool yawn well goodnight River" " Goodnight Ken" Ken and Charlie falls a sleep.

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