Thief's and fighting back

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Ken and Charlie look around the streets for their space ship "who would steal another men ship" said Ken. "I don't we better fine the ship before things get worse on this planet" said Charlie. Ken and Charlie Run down the sidewalk to a highway overpass below them were hover vehicle were passing through the overpass. Ken looked behind to see a Black semi-truck carrying their ship on a flat bed at the back of it "Charlie I see our ship it's on that black semi-truck" said Ken "Great any idea how we're going to get on it" said Charlie. Ken thinks for a moment he climbs on top of the overpass rails "what are you doing Ken" said Charlie "if we jump off the overpass and on to the truck we'll get out ship back" said Ken "that sounds very dangerous and might get us kill" "got any better ideas" Charlie sighs as he climbs on the overpass rail as Ken the semi-truck went under the overpass Ken and Charlie were getting ready to jump. When the truck gets out of the overpass Ken and Charlie jump on to it landing on their ship.

The ship was chain to the truck Ken pulls out the gos rifle start to shoot the chains off of the ship. Thief's hears the gun fire coming from the back of the truck one of the thief gets out the truck he climbs onto the trucks until he made it on to the flat bed. Charlie and ken look up to see thief was dress in black wearing a ski mask. Jacket, and pants he's feet was like horse hooves the thief pulls out a laser knife he started to charge at Ken Charlie fires killer frost Turing the thief into a solid block of ice he slid off of the flat bed onto the street and smash into pieces.

Ken finally finishes breaking all of the chain to the ship Ken and Charlie gets in the ship Ken turns on the ship "alright time to get off of this planet" said Ken. He fly's the ship off the flat bed into the sky inside of the truck the other thief driving the semi-truck see the ship flying away He picks up his communicator he calls in to his fellow thief's for backup. Ken and Charlie relax in the ship "so now we get the money what next" said Ken "well we could go back to the motel and figure a way to get back to earth" said Charlie "about that the teller told us about a wolf that seek for friends and a planet that burns" "Well it could mean there's a wolf on a very hot planet" "that does it make sense at all on our problem".

The ship started beep and the windshield flash an image of a missile and saying "Missile incoming" Ken looked at the river view mirror he sees a missile coming toward them he turns the ship right dodging the missile Ken look at the river view mirror again he sees three grey space ship the ship started to beep again saying "turn on attack mode user manually". Ken and Charlie look around for something to turn on attack mode Charlie see a red button on the side of his door he presses it the glove deportment open to revel buttons that has missiles, railgun, shield, mini gun, and homing rockets. Charlie press the homing rockets two times then two rocket comes out the ship flying to the one of the grey ship and destroyed it.

The two remaining fire laser back at Ken and Charlie one of the laser scratch the Ken and Charlie ship. Charlie hits the shield button and a Blue spear appeared all around the ship "Charlie I have a plain to get rid of them" said Ken "please tell me it's better than your last one" said Charlie "nope but hold on" said Ken making the ship flying down into the city as two grey ship fellow them Ken drive around skyscraper dodging other ships until Ken fly the ship up a large skyscraper flying it along the building but the second grey ship didn't fly up it crash into the skyscraper. As there only one grey ship left it fired missiles at Ken and Charlie the missiles destroy the shield Ken and Charlie made it back to sky Charlie press rail gun and a torrent comes out it aims at the last gray ship locks on and fires it laser blowing up the last ship.

Ken and Charlie fly out of the planet into space flying to the motel hoping to get plains on going back home.   

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