A phone call and Payback

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Charlie and Ken return to WYT'AR motel they walk into the motel lobby where Daze was drinking a cup of coffee. "Welcome back WYT'AR are going stay here in the same room sirs" said Daze "yes we would like that" said Ken. "By the way you guys look like you have eventful day" said Daze "yeah it kind of eventful" said Charlie "well just don't bring any trouble to the motel your room key is on the front desk but do you have any credits" said Daze. Ken gives same amount of credits to Daze as the two boy go to they're room.

Ken and Charlie made to they're room Charlie took off his show he falls asleep Ken relaxed on a chair as he grabs a remote and turns on the television. Ken flips through channels until he stops on a show called "Aper show" there was two black widows in restaurant one was wearing a pink bow and the other has goggles. "Oh Susez I love you ever since we met in the Amki gardens "said the black widow in the goggles "me too Xip but have tell you something" said Susez "what is it" said XIp Susez take off her bow tie and then her makeup her voice change from angelic to deep.

"I'm Knox your long lost second cousin back from the dead" said Knox "it can't be I shot you I threw you in the sea" said Xip "but now it's your turn to time" then Knox pulls out ray gun. Knox shot Xip in the head Suddenly the phone rang in the motel room Ken walk to the phone and he answered it. "hello who is this" said Ken "this is Ti I'm checking up on you guys" "how you know where we are Ti" "I put a tracker on your ship in case you guy die I'll go get my ship back by the way I left a couple things in the ship like my wallet have you seen it Ken. "Yeah I spent all of your credits Ti" "dammit ken do you at least have the Xiax 1000" "the what" "it's the device that looks like watch" "oh yeah Charlie is wearing it right now" "okay now this is very important did anyone try to steal your ship" "yeah" "did they fly grey ships". "They did Ti did you have anything to do with our ship getting taken" "yes you see I sold the thieves some old and clunky ship parts and they were pissed so they started to steal my customer's ships and parts that I sold from me as for pay back". "What the fuck Ti we could've gotten kill because of you" "I know I am sorry take the Xiax 1000 as a gift of an apology". "yeah we will goodbye TI" "goodbye Ken" Ken slams the phone on the hook as he returns watching television.

In the intergalactic police station Amber was throwing darts at a drawing of Charlie with a black eye, stink lines, bullet holes all over his body, and a cut off arm. She stops throwing darts because it was getting boring then Amber gets on the computer and she was on a website called Vajern full old articles she clicks on a news article about a planet called "Iuacarne" it was the hottest planet in the whole galaxy because it was near it sun they only way the people had to survive Is putting a force field around whole planet to making it less hot. Then chief Cexx comes to Amber desk "what is it chief" said Amber "I'm taking you off of desk duty" "whys that" "because the two criminal you've been after has cause lot of property damage and a couple of homicide I need you to take them down is that alright". "no sir it wouldn't" chief Cexx leave Amber throws a dart at the picture of Charlie and said to herself "I'm going get my revenged".    

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