Lady luck is on our side

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As Ken and Charlie are flying to a planet to deliver a package to Tix cousin Ken kept looking at the package trying to figure out what's inside of the box. "men I'm dying to know what's the package is" said Ken "relax once we get the package to Tix cousin we could ask him what's in the package" said Charlie. "River if I have a little peak" "no Tix said don't look in the package he probably has a camera inside" "oh yeah Tix well know I looked" "Ken for we all we know the package might be illegal weapons or drugs" "fine I won't open not even a peek"

Charlie and Ken arrived to planet talcona the planet surface is all red sand that covers most of the planet. Talcona has large cities that are populate by criminals and fugitive of the intergalactic police. Ken begin to reach to talcona capital city he sees space ships line up at floating traffic lights he dodges the traffic he fly's around skyscrapers, bridges, and a billboard of a new television show called "Ultimate killers" "Charlie do you see a place to land" said Ken "I see an empty spot next to that light pole" said Charlie.  Ken parks the park the ship next a light post Charlie grabs the package his sword and gun he gets out of the ship he sees a four arm green monkey in yellow overalls sitting on a bench. The monkey turns to Charlie giving him a mean look gets out the ship with his gun "what's up with the monkey giving you that look" said Ken "I have no idea any let's just delivery this package" said Charlie "okay where's H8ert" said Ken Charlie looks down at his watch he types up Hqirt on the watch it points north "Hqirt is about 30 blocks north". Charlie and Ken walk to H8ert passing by people who selling them drugs, guns, old movies and people trying to get the boy's body parts. They made it to H8ert the apartment building was tall as the Eiffel tower it had a squid symbol at the middle of the building. Ken and Charlie walk into the building they get into the elevator the buttons have number from 1 to 455 Charlie pressed number 200 the elevator went off in a matters of seconds. The elevator stops Ken and Charlie gets off and gets to room 234 Ken knocks on the door a grumpy voice comes through door "who's there" "we got a package for you" said Charlie. The door opens a blue alien with purple eyes and wearing a blue strip jumpsuit. "who's the package from" said grumpy alien "from your cousin Tix" said Ken showing the package to him the grumpy alien snatches the package out Ken hands "hey can you tell me what's in the package" said Ken "no of your business" said the grumpy alien
Handing Ken about 300 credits he slams the door at Charlie and Ken faces

Ken and Charlie go back to they're ship "that was easier then I then I thought" said Ken "yeah I don't really see why we didn't have to bring weapons" said Charlie. "Maybe lady luck is on our side" said Ken. But when they reach to lamp post where Ken parked the ship it was missing and nowhere in sight "I guess lady luck is not on are side" said Charlie.

Back to the grumpy alien apartment he starts to open the package "good Tix is finally being to forgive me for burring his face off during the relaty party" he thought when he opens the package there's was a dynamites with a clock on it and a note that's said "have a nice day" the apartment blows up flames goes out the window and the grumpy alien is dead.

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