Friend ,clothes, and buttons

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After pipe closes the door Charlie looks at the boy in the room. The other boy has blonde hair and not that long. The boy might be Charlie age or little older than him. The boy is wearing a blue and white striped pajamas the boy has dark brown eyes and the body was some muscle in it. Charlie starts talking to the boy " hey what your name and how did you end up being here." The boy responds " my name is ken and I got kidnapped just like you did". " so where do you live and what school do you go to" said Charlie " I live in Los Angeles and I go to a Catholic school now I got to question you like what your age, where did you live and where are your pants" said Ken.

Charlie feels embarrassed that he wearing a pink boxer but answer Ken question " I live in Phoenix Arizona, I'm 15 1/2 and I was sleeping without pants when they kidnapped me" alright by the way I'm 16 if want to know my age" said Ken. Suddenly a voice came to the room " prepare to jump in efive dfour cthree btwo aone" just like that the ship left the earth in 5 seconds. Ken tells Charlie a plan of his. " listen I got a plan and we might get killed" " hey it's better than fighting to the death in a tournament so what the plan ken" said Charlie. "Well I saw some escape pods in a room before the alien threw me in this room so when one those aliens come back to this room and open it we tackled him to the ground then run for it and maybe we take his gun if he has it then get into the escape pod and go back home" said Ken.

" ken half of your plan could work and the other half will get us killed but I go with it," said Charlie. The boy's waited and they waited and waited until the alien come back for an hour. Then pipe opens the door and both of the boys tackled him to ground and started to search for a gun but no luck and the run for the escape pods. " where the escape pod room" said Charlie " to the" before ken could finish the his sentence he see ure down the hall "oh my god hippo has a gun" said Ken. Ure start shooting with his plasma gun at them. Both of the boys turn around and trample pipe as the runaway. Then Charlie sees a big square opening that said warrior stuffed and junk " in there said Charlie " are sure said ken " maybe". Charlie jumps into the square and slides down into a pile of clothing and shoes before he processes what's in the room Ken fall on to top of him " hey are you okay did I break something of yours " said Ken. " no but you could get off of me of me" said Charlie. Ken get off of Charlie they look around the room to see piles of clothes, shoes and weird stuff. Charlie realizes he that he could grab some pants socks and shoes maybe a jacket.

He grabs a pair of jeans socks and red blue and yellow shoes also alien arm jackets. Ken thought the same thing changing out of his PJs into a yellow shirt black pants and combat boots. Charlie saw something in the pile of weird was handled he pulled it out of the stuff and it was a sword knife it has the handle of a katana and length of one and the blade of a combat knife like Rambo well use. Ken see the sword knife and said: " cool where did you get that thing". "I found it in a pile of junk ". " cool hey there a button press and let see what it could do," said Ken " na I'll do that later after we get out of here," said Charlie. They found the door to get of the room and open it but ure was on the other side of the door.

" your dead humans " without hesitation Charlie cut off ure hand with the sword knife. Ure runs and screams down the hall. " Charlie that was mostly bad ass thing I ever saw then my dad arrested a drug dealer " said Ken " wait your dad is a cop never mind lets get out of here" said Cody Ken grab the gun of the floor and the boys find the escape pods but Ken slips and his hand land on the self-destruction button then the whole ship starts to rumble. " nice ken nice " sarcastically said, Charlie,. They both jump into a escape pod the escape pod has two seats, a steering wheel, tons of buttons, and pedals. " hey do you know how to fly this thing " said Charlie " nope but lets see what this do" said ken pressing a random button and escape pod fly's out of the ship and fly into middle of space and then the space ship explode.

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