Payback time

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As space ships begin to fly away from the planet Luacarne as the solar flare was coming to the planet. Justin who had his advice from Ocoliv that he said to Justin "it takes time and patience with a little bit of inner peace". That didn't exactly help Justin problem he looks around for Ken if he's still on the planet to talk with some more. So Justin using his wolf nose to smell Ken scent he walks around the stage to a room that is locked from the inside there's a little onto the door Justin peaks at it to see Ken tied to the chair Justin grabs the door with all of his strength he rips open the door.

Ken and Charlie see the door rip open Justin walks in "the fuck is going" said Justin confuse "no time can you get us out of this chair" said Ken. Justin cuts the rope freeing Ken and Charlie they all walk out the room. "who's your new friend" said Charlie "Justin meet Charlie and Charlie meet Justin" said Ken "so what you guys doing roped up in that room" said Justin "Ocoliv was trying to kill us" said Charlie "why trying to kill you" "we witness to Ocoliv hitmen murdering His brother" "wow we should call the intergalactic police about this" "no way" said Ken "why not" said Justin. "They wouldn't believe us we have to take care of this ourselves" as Ken heads to his spaceship.

Amber and the intergalactic police force search throughout the town for Ken and Charlie but they didn't find them only they got was eyewitness seeing Ken going to Ocoliv and Charlie at a convince store. Amber thinks to herself "where the hell is those two bastard I don't think they left the planet yet maybe they are hiding out somewhere on this planet" "what should do next Amber" said one of the police. "We're going search every corner, every small spaces and hiding spots of these suspects before the solar flare" Amber said to the police force as they went back to search for Ken and Charlie.

Ken, Charlie, Justin are flying around to find Ocoliv and Itez Charlie looks the see Space ships are flying off the planet as the solar flare begins to come to the planet "we need to live Ken the solar flare is coming" said Charlie. "not until we get Ocoliv and Itez" so far they didn't see them until they see Itez flying in a bulky, yellow, white strip and fancy space ship. Ken fires a rock at Itez ship causing the ship to fall down to the ground. Ken fellow Itez falling ship as the Itez ship crash down near a crater.

Amber and the intergalactic police see this as they go toward the crash ship Ken, Justin and Charlie looks around the ship to see if Itez and Ocoliv are still alive. Charlie finds his sword on the ground and grabs it the sword as some purple blood on it. "guys we should go right now" said Justin "not until we find any signs that Itez and Ocoliv are dead" said Ken "but the police are here" said Justin "did you call them Justin" "no". Charlie looks to see the police holding big guns and that he's sees a familiar blonde police leading them he realizes it was same office he invades her arrested on the planet Jar "Ken we need to get off this planet right now or I'm going to die" said Charlie "he's one wrong about one thing". Ken, Charlie, and Justin turn to see Itez on top of the wreck space ship as his left side is bleeding. "is that all of you are going to die"

Itez lungs at Ken he pulls out knifes he tried to stab Ken multiply but from his side bleeding he kept missing. Justin pulls Itez off of Ken Charlie runs up to him swing his sword at Itez "niece try kid but learn to use a sword before trying to kill someone" said Itez kicking Charlie in the stomach Ken sneak behind Itez with a broken pipe from the wreck ship as he hits Itez bleeding side Itez grab ken leg and throws him to Justin knocking them both on to the ground. Charlie thinks to himself "there now way we can beat him unless...oh god this going to be so stupid". Charlie runs toward the Intergalactic police and turning away screaming "come and get me you dirty cops" as they fellow Charlie back to the crush ship. As Itez was about to stab Justin and Ken to death he sees Charlie and police coming toward him Itez hesitated Ken grab a rock from the ground and smashing it over Itez head Charlie lead the army of police to Itez who begins throwing knives at them Amber tackles Charlie to the ground "it's payback time you asshole" she said to Charlie.     

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