Chapter 14

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I followed the nurse into the back. We walked down the long hallway, not speaking a word to each other. We turned down another long hallway and still, the only sound was of the doctors rushing around us with their patients, making sure they were okay and taking care of them. I took out my phone and checked the time. 4:48AM. We had been here for about 2 hours.

By the time I had gotten upstairs and to my room, it was nearly 2. When Lena woke up screaming, it was about 2:20. When we got to the hospital, it was almost 2:50. I must've been asleep for a long while. I put my phone away as we came to a stop at a room.

The nurse turned to me and said "Stef, your wife is asleep right now, but she is recovering very well, so don't worry. She will only have to stay in here for a few days, just so we can make sure she knows how to take care of her stitches and know what she can and can't eat for a while, okay?" She asked me.

"Okay," I said. I understood. We have gone through this before. The stitches part, I mean. Stitches were apart of our life. Like when I was shot... Or when I had the mastectomy...

The nurse opened the door for me and I walked in saying thank you. I walked over to the bed and grabbed Lena's hands.

"You scared the hell out of me, Love. Don't ever do that again."

I sat down in the chair still holding her hands and once again, fell asleep...

Misadventures:   "The Fosters"   A Stef and Lena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now