Chapter 16

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I let go of her hands and brushed her hair out of her face. I kissed her cheek and forehead and told her I loved her.

I then retreated and pulled my phone out once more. I called Dana.

"Hello?" She asked, "Is everything alright? It's so early, Stef."

"Hi, Dana. Uhm... Before I tell you what happened: Everything is fine. Everyone is fine. Lena is fine."

"Stef, what happened?"

"Lena's appendix burst last night around 2am, but we got her to the hospital and she is fine. They removed it and she is fine. She's still asleep from the medicine , but she is fine and well and recovering."

"Oh, dear! Don't worry, Stef, I'll be there as quickly as possible!"

"No, Dana, it's fine. Don't fly all the way out here from your trip to Paris. She's fine. I just wanted you to know what happened to her."

"Are you sure, dear?"

"Yes, Dana, I'm sure-" I got cut off by rustling behind me. I turned around and saw Lena trying to sit up.

"Stef, is everything o-"

"Dana, she just woke up. I have to go."

"Alright, dear, I'm sending my love. Bye." I hung the phone up and rushed to the side of the bed.

"Lena," I said sweetly while grabbing her arms gently, "Love, lay back down, okay. You need to stay lying down right now." She looked up at me confused.

"Whe-where am I?" She questioned.

"Well, Honey... You're in the hospital."

"Why?" She asked with panic striking her.

"No, no. Calm down, Love. You're fine."

"I'm in here... For me?"

I chuckled at that. "Yes, Love you are the patient this time. Jude was too last night, but he's fine. He broke his wrist when he slipped on the water Brandon spilled trying to bring you some."

"Jude broke his wrist?!" She yelled shocked.

"Shh shh shh. Lena, Jude is fine. He's at home with everyone else, okay. You were the one that freaked everyone out last night."

"Why? What happened?" Confusion was all over her face. She looked cute confused. Then again, she always looked cute to me.

"Well I got home super late and got the hell scared out of me by my wife waking up screaming in pain at 2 in the morning."


"Yeah. The kids came running in scared as all get out. We had to rush you here and while Jude was trying to go down and open the door, he slipped in water Brandon spilled trying to bring you. He fell right on his poor wrist and broke it."

"Well what happened to me?" She questioned now that she knew her babies were okay.

"Your appendix burst, Love."

"Oh..." She trailed off.

"But you're fine. Speaking of... I need to get the doctor in here to explain things to you now that you're awake and I need to call the kids," I said pulling out my phone and dialing Brandon's number. While it was ringing, I pressed the button that called the nurse in.


Misadventures:   "The Fosters"   A Stef and Lena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now