Chapter 22

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The kids helped me get Lena in her wheelchair and up all of the steps. They helped me set her on the bed and then left so I could get her into something comfy.

I took off her shirt and smiled. I remembered the first time I ever got to do that. I'll never forget that amazing night. I looked down at her stitches. They had a bandage over them that needed to be changed. I went to the bag of stuff the doctor gave us and pulled out the antibiotic cream stuff they gave us and the bandages.

I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed my reading glasses. I read the instructions on the boxes just to be on the safe side. I took them off and set the boxes beside Lena. I went and washed my hands and went back to her.

"Ok, Love, this might hurt a bit," I warned as I started to pull the bandage off.

"Owe!" She yelped.

"I know, Lena, I know... It's okay... See? It's off now," I held up the bandage so she could see and then rolled it up. I set it on the bed and pulled the bottle of antibiotic cream out. I gently rubbed in on the stitched to make sure I didn't hurt her too terribly bad.

I pulled out the bandage and took the cover off of the adhesive rim of it and carefully placed it over the stitches. I picked up the trash and walked to the bathroom to throw it away. I can back and went to the closet to grab Lena's Soft long-sleeve shirt. I carefully helped her put it on and then headed to her pants drawer. It was rather cold out so I grabbed a pair of her sweat pants. I went back to her once more and took off the pants she had on. I pulled the sweatpants on her and popped up so we were face to face. I gave her a kiss and then helped her lay down.

"It'll be ok, Love. I promise. I love you," I said as I grabbed her hand and smiled.

"I love you too," she smiled back looking into my eyes.

I let go of her hand and went to get a glass of water. I brought it to her along with her pill.

"Here you go, my Queen," I said giggling.

"Thank you, kind servant," she said with a smirk.

"Wow." We immediately broke into laughter.

"Owe! Owe! Owe!" She cried out.

"Well stop laughing, smart one," I said. And I got the look. I put my hands up in mock surrender and backed out of the room. I went and made lunch for her while everyone else went to see how she was doing. 'I really am servant,' I thought.


Misadventures:   "The Fosters"   A Stef and Lena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now