Chapter 1

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"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again."

I want to share a story with you. This is no ordinary story about ordinary people. This, is a story about adventure, love, pirates, mermaids, and the boy who never grew up.

But that is not where my story starts. It starts with a girl named Molly.

She sat there in her mom's car. She took a deep breath. "Freshman year." She thought to herself. She watched as person after person got off their bus or out of their parents' car. She watched as they greeted their friends from Middle School and suddenly, that tight knot in her stomach was back, or more noticeable. She wasn't sure if it had actually left in the first place.

"Whenever you're ready, sweetheart, you can get out." Her mom said, slightly hinting that she needed to get out.

"Are you sure that I have to go? Can't I just wait? Can't we just pretend that I went?"

"Hun, you have to go. I need get to work."

She closed her eyes and took another deep breath, then slowly opened the passenger door and walked towards the school.

She thought that she saw a few people give her a second glance. The knot got tighter. She thought that she heard someone say, "Who is she?" It got even tighter. By the time she actually got into the school she thought she was going to throw up.

Eagle Crest High School wasn't a very big school; there were only around 700 students. It seemed to her that everyone knew everyone else in their class. It wasn't fair. She would be the only one who didn't know anyone, and no one would know her, so no one would talk to her. At least that's what she figured, and it didn't help that she was a freshman either.

There was a huge crowd of freshman by the doors that she walked into. There was a staff member yelling over the crowd, "Look at the papers and find your name! Once you find your name, follow the line and see what homeroom you are in! Once you find it, go straight to homeroom! There are security guards and teachers all over the school to help you find it!"

Once she found her homeroom on the paper she followed the directions given to her by a lady at the front desk and headed up stairs. She entered her homeroom to find it completely empty. Am I in the right room? She thought. She checked the room number again. Yep, room 251, Mr. Cane.

She walked into the room and picked a seat. Second row out of three, not too close to the teacher, not too far away, first seat, right next to the isle for a quick escape and she wouldn't be surrounded by people she didn't know on both sides.

She looked around at the different posters that the teacher had hung around the room. Most of them had to do with sports. She gazed at the bulletin board in the front of the room, it was covered with quotes. She read a couple. "How do you spell CPR?" "Can you get AIDS from the sun?" "-Where was Obama born? -In Hawaii. -How can he be president if he wasn't even born in America?!" She laughed through her nose at some more of the stupid quotes.

She read more of the quotes for a few minutes and then cracked open the book that she brought with her.

After what seemed like forever, another student shuffled into the classroom and took a seat on the opposite side of the room. After he came in, a couple girls came in and sat down in the front.

She looked at the clock, almost 9:30. She had only been at school for half an hour. That was one thing that she liked about this new school. School didn't start until 9:15 but still ended at 3:00.

Two other girls walked in and sat next to the girls in front. Then a boy and a girl walked in and sat in the back row.

"Who is she?" the girl asked. "I don't know." The boy told her.

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