Chapter 24

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A/N: Surprise! I cleared a couple things off of my schedule this weekend (AKA packing) and I got the next chapter done ahead of time! As I promised, it's a long one. (8 pages on MW) The next chapter, however, will definitley not be up for another 2-3 weeks. I think I'm leaving you with some pretty good stuff though, I'm pretty happy with this chapter! One more thing: if would mean a lot if you read a story by my bestest friend, xoTiffanieex3. It's called Once Upon A Dream! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Much love,



"It was not really a piece of paper; it was the Never Bird,"

Peter swiftly swept over the tree tops, searching for his lost boy. Despite what he thought, Curly did not go back to the home the night before. He called his names a couple more times but was only greeted by startled birds as they flew up from the trees.

He thought about Molly. She had not come home either. He needed to find her also, but Curly first. If he got Molly first, Curly would feel even more betrayed.

Peter landed at the mouth of a glittering cave but there was no sign of life. He took off again, darting into the sky once again.

He was about to give up on looking when he saw smoke rising from an old Indian camp.

Peter swung down into the camp to investigate.

"Curly? Curly, my lad? Are you here?" he called.

Everything was quiet but as he walked towards the dying fire he could see Curly's small figure prodding the small logs with a stick.

Peter said nothing as he got closer to him; he silently took a seat on the ground next to him.

Curly was the first to speak: "Where's Molly?" he asked sarcastically.

"I don't know." Peter responded.

Curly looked at him, shocked, and Peter began to explain. "When neither of you came back to our small home last night, I knew that I would have to go looking for you."

"And you came for me first?"

Peter nodded.

"Peter you're an idiot!" Curly almost yelled, standing up.

"I-I don't understand. I thought that you would be happy that I came for you first!"

"Peter, I may not agree with how much time you spend with her, but she cannot fend for herself! At least I know how to find shelter and make fire!"

Peter sighed, frustrated at himself. "You're right. I made a foolish mistake. I know that you don't really like her-"

"I never said I didn't like her...I mean...I've done some thinking, and I guess, she's not that bad."

"Addaboy! Would you be so kind as to help me find her?"

"I'm not nearly as fast as you, but, I could try."

"Thank you, lad. All is forgiven?"

"All is forgiven."

"Alright then, you search the forest by foot, and I'll search the mountains by air. We'll meet in the Frozen Forest and search there together. Understood?"


With that, Peter shot up into the air, and Curly ran into the forest, each of them calling for their beloved mother.

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