Chapter 21

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It was a typical scene like you would see in a movie; seven people were crammed into a cell with barred doors, waiting for their one phone call or their rescuer to arrive and pay the bail. Mr. Hart sat on a wooden bench in between a prostitute and a cranky man with a hangover.

“Tom Carter,” one officer said and the cranky man next to Mr. Hart stood up. The officer unlocked the barred door and let the man out saying, “You’re lucky that your friend bailed you out. Don’t let me catch you doing that kind of stuff ever again.”

The man muttered something underneath his breath before walking away.

Mr. Hart, taking advantage of the extra room on the bench, scooted away from the prostitute.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, “I don’t bite.” She placed a hand on Mr. Hart’s leg, “Unless you want me too,” she laughed.

Mr. Hart, astonished, stood.

“Hart,” one officer said, “Com’ere.”

He  walked over the cage door as the officer stepped closer.

“I’ve got something for you,” he said.

Mr. Hart only looked at him with confusion.

The officer took his hand out from behind his back and opened his palm showing a handful of glitter resting in the palm of his hand. “Its pixie dust, Hart,” he laughed, “Now you can go join your daughter in, what’s it called? Neverland?” he laughed again and this time other officers did too. Mr. Hart just stood there. The officer closed his fist, and then decided to throw the glitter right into his face.

Mr. Hart simply brushed the glitter off of him and turned to walk back to the corner where he had been standing.

Despite his calm reaction, the officer continued to edge him on.

“So, Hart, I guess you’re about as crazy as your wife was,” he started, “Man, she was a nut job. But, geez, she was a beauty. I gotta admit, you sure know how to pick’em, Hart. I would gladly have her in my bed any day of the week.”

Mr. Hart tightened. He started to work his jaw and he clenched his fists, “Don’t talk about my wife like that.”

“What are you going to do about it? And besides, she wasn’t going to be your wife for much longer was she? Man, as soon as that divorce was final I would have swooped in and done things to her that you never could.”

Mr. Hart took a step forward.

“Oh, look fellas! He’s getting mad! Poor thing,” he joked, “So, Hart, where is, your daughter? I bet your hiding her somewhere. Ya know, even more likely, I bet you killed her. You’re certainly crazy enough too.” As he said this, he turned to his peers as if for approval. They all laughed but their smiles only lasted for a moment as their expressions turned to shock.

Mr. Hart had run forward and reached out of the gate, grabbing the officer by the collar and lifting him off of the floor. “You know, Officer, you really shouldn’t tease and taunt someone who is twice the size of you.”

“You crazy bastard.” The officer said as he spit into Mr. Hart’s face. As he did this, he reached for his taser and collided it with Mr. Hart’s stomach.

Mr. Hart released the officer as he was filled with shock. He began to vibrate violently as the electricity went through his body before he fell to the ground unconscious.

The five other people in the cell sat there in shock as they watched the scene unfold.

“Any one else want a turn?” the officer grinned as he turned to go back to his desk.

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