Chapter 28

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"She was the cannibal of the seas, and scarce needed that watchful eye, for she floated immune in the horror of her name."

The pirate ship was empty-well mostly empty. It was the perfect time for Peter to go through with his plan. 

The Lost Boys were sitting quietly in a canoe at the base of the ship. Each holding his own weapon and waiting patiently to see if Peter would need them.

Peter silently floated upward to the deck of the ship. He could see three pirates on the port side playing a game of cards. If he was quiet enough, he might not even need to kill them today. He landed with a soft thud on the deck and crept over to the window of the Captain's chambers on the opposite side of the ship from the pirates.

As he looked into the window he saw a pirate of gigantic proportions standing near the door. He scanned the remainder of the room and saw what he was looking for. Tinker Bell really had not been lying! There in the far corner of the room near the Captain's bed, was Molly. She was tied to a chair and looked too weak to walk. He could even see some of the bruises on her arm all the way from the window. He swore right then that he would kill Captain Elisabeth Morgan for causing such harm to Molly.

There were only two ways to enter into the Captain's chamber: through the door or through the window.

If he went through the door, the three pirates playing cards would see him. If he went through the window, they would hear him as he crashed through the glass. But, crashing through the window would give Peter enough time to kill the big pirate while the other three were racing over. That was his plan then. And if the pirates ever got too much for him to handle (which wasn't likely to happen, he thought) he could simply signal the Boys.

In an instant Peter bombarded through the window of the Captain's chamber startling the pirate and Molly.

Regaining his balance, the pirate drew his sword and was greeted by Peter's dagger. The two dueled for a mere minute before the three other pirates crashed into the room, hitting the giant pirate with the door and causing him to fall onto Peter's dagger. 

With one pirate down and only three to go, Peter was feeling pretty confident. But little did he realize that Captain Elisabeth Morgan was not as foolish as he thought she was. There were seven more pirates below deck and as Peter battled the three in the Captain's chambers, the seven ambushed the Lost Boys, forcing them to row back to shore.

Once the Lost Boys were on the shore, the seven burly pirates ran to the Captain's chambers and joined in the battle. 

Molly watched helplessly as her hero fought the best that he could. But ten pirates at one time in such a small room with a low ceiling were too much for Peter to handle. He continued to swing and lunge and he tried desperately to fly over their heads but they all grabbed at him at once and pulled him to the ground. As they held him there Molly screamed. She yelled at them to let Peter go, but they didn’t listen. 

As four of the pirates held Peter to the ground, another leaned over him; an evil smile crossed his face as he pulled Peter's dagger from his hand.

He took the dagger and slid it across Peter's chest. The other pirates laughed as they watched Peter struggle against the blade.

Peter grimaced in pain as the dagger left a huge slash across his chest.

"Stop! Stop it!" Molly screamed as loud as she could, "Don't you kill him!"

The pirate stood from where he leaned over Peter and stomped toward her. He stuck the dagger under her chin, causing her to inhale sharply and hold her breath. Her body tensed up and she closed her eyes as the pirate's face got closer to hers. Just as he was opening his mouth to speak, another person walked into the room-interrupting him with her own voice.

"Listen to her, Jo, my boy. Leave killing the boy to me." Captain Elisabeth said as she held up a small vile of red, gooey, liquid.


"Tiger Lily!" Curly called, running as fast as he could towards the Indian camp with the other Boys following close behind him. "Tiger Lily!" he called again.

The beautiful princess came rushing from the camp and met the Boys halfway.

"What-is-it-Curly?" Tiger Lily asked desperately.

"Peter's in trouble! He went to go save Molly from the pirates but there were too many! He thought that the ship was empty, but it wasn't, Lily! There were tons of them and they made us go back to shore but Peter is still there and he's in trouble, Lily!"

"Curly-calm-down. You-are-talking-to-fast. What-are-you-talking-about-Molly? I-thought-Molly-was-dead."

"We thought she was too!" Tiny cried, "But she's not! The pirates have her and now they have Peter too!"

"This-is-bad. This-is-very-bad." Tiger Lily said, shaking her head as if she could not believe what she was hearing. "Come." She ordered and then took off in the direction of the Indian village.

The Boys followed closely behind her as she led them to a teepee in the center of the village. She motioned for them to be quiet as she led them inside.

Once inside they saw an elderly man with half grey hair bent over a small cot where a wounded warrior was lying.

"Holy Man" Tiger Lily said in her native tongue, "We need to talk. It is urgent."

The Holy man silently finished dressing the warrior's wound and covered him with a buffalo skin blanket before turning his attention to Tiger Lily.

"Come, step outside with me." he said as he stepped out of the teepee. Tiger Lily and the Lost Boys followed.

"What is wrong, my princess?"

"We were wrong Holy Man. Molly is not dead. She has been a captive to the pirates."

"What are they saying?" Tiny whispered to Sachet.

"I think something about an ancient buffalo talking to the moon." Dodo said, overhearing Tiny.

"Dodo, you blockhead!" Sachet scolded, trying to keep his voice down, "Tiger Lily is telling the Holy Man that Molly is still alive and the Holy Man is saying..." He stopped talking and his eyes grew wide. Chills ran down his spine and he shuttered.

"What is it, Sachet?" Copper prodded.

"Sachet, snap out of it!" Curly demanded.

"He said...he said that they must rid of her, for good this time, before total war breaks out."


"No!" Molly screamed as the horrendous, monstrous, most villainous, Captain left the room. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled against her bonds.

The Captain had forced Peter to swallow the liquid that had been in that vile. He now lay on floor, red ooze still on his lips. He wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. He was dead.



Sorry it took me so long to upload this! I'll be quicker with the next chapter, I promise.

I love you guys<3


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