Chapter 10

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“But just before they go on fire you see the lagoon.”

Peter was furious! He was furious at the pirates for finding the orb, furious at the mermaids for telling the pirates where the orb was hidden, furious at himself for ever trusting those slimy monsters. What had the pirates wanted with the orb? How did they even find out about it? The orb came from before their time and anyone who ever knew about it, besides Peter and the Indians, was either dead, or had gone mad.

Peter knew that he had to find out what the pirates wanted with the orb. But, he couldn’t ask the mermaids, they had betrayed him once, they would do it again.

He would ask Calico Jack again. He could get anything out of the cowardly pirate!  Wait…no…he couldn’t ask Calico Jack…he was most likely dead. After all, Peter had dropped him from over three hundred feet in the air. Peter would have to find another source. Maybe the faeries would help him?

But first, he decided, he would need to have a talk with the mermaids, just to find out why they betrayed him.

He knelt down on the rock where he usually sat when he visited the mermaids. None of them came to him, in fact, he couldn’t see any of them. He called to them, he played his pipe, and he called some more. Finally, one mermaid hurriedly came over to him and put her hand over his mouth.

“Shh, be very quiet.” She said, taking her hand from his mouth. Before he could say anything she whispered, “I know why you are here, you want answers, and I have some for you, but we can not talk here. Meet me at the Black Castle at three o’clock.”

“How do I know that I can trust you? How do I know that this isn’t a trick?” he said. The mermaid put her hand over his mouth again, “Quiet! You can’t be too loud…they’re listening.”

“Who’s listening?” he demanded after she took her hand away from his mouth.

“I will talk to you later.” She said, then swam away as fast as her fins would take her.

That was odd he thought. He looked at the sky, high noon. He settled on going back to his small home until it was time to go meet the mermaid.

Once there, he discovered it empty. He was confused for a few seconds before remembering that the Lost Boys had gone to the Indian village for lunch. He walked around the home to make sure that no one, not even Tink, was there. When he was sure that he was alone, we walked over to the far corner. Before he removed the fox rug from the hatch he said quietly, “Hullo, Fox.”

I’m sure that what he said makes you a bit confused so I will clear everything up for you so I can go on telling the story without you being so dead-awful confused. Fox was Peter’s dearest friend, even more than Slightly had been. Peter and Fox went on a great many adventures together until that fateful night, the night of their last adventure together. Fox was killed by the awful and conceded pirate Starkey. And now that you know who Fox was I can get on with my story.

Peter removed the rug carefully and then opened the hatch. He took out the Eiffel Tower that was half covered in diamonds. He ran his dirty fingers over the diamonds before setting it off to the side. Very carefully, he took out the thimble. He rolled it around in his hand, examining with upmost sorrow.


He quickly put the thimble off to the side next to the Eiffel Tower and pulled out the old doctor’s bag. He stared at it in awe, it had been so long since he held the orb and all of its power. The orb showed the image of a busy street in the modern day London. He wondered if he could use the orb for his own pleasure. He held the orb close to his face, “Show me Wendy,” he said. The image on the orb quickly changed from a London street to a place where he had never seen before. It showed a girl in her room, crying. That’s not Wendy he thought. The girl walked around her room, pacing. She went over to her bookshelf, pulled out a book and held it tightly to her chest. “Take me away” she whispered. Some one else shouted her name, startling Peter. The girl dropped the book and ran out of the room. The orb zoomed in on the book, the cover said, “Peter Pan and Wendy by J.M. Barrie

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