Chapter 8

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“They carry tomahawks and knives, and their bodies gleam with paint and oil.”

“Come boys, we have treasure huntin to do!” Peter said, picking up his map of the island. He scanned the map carefully, trying to pick out the best spot to dig first. He already knew where the treasure was, he had asked the mermaids before dawn, for they knew everything, but he wanted to lead the boys on and have them dig at many different sites, that way, as they were about to give up, he would lead them to where the treasure was and look like a hero. But where was Tiger Lily? She told him earlier that she would meet him at the home in the ground by the time of the high tide. Peter popped his head out of the entrance to his home and looked at the sky, it was almost noon already! Tiger Lily was never late, Peter knew that. Something must be wrong.

“Boys, stay here. Somethin’s wrong.”

“Oh no Petah!” said Tiny, “I ain’t fallin’ for that trick again!”

“Yeah!” Curly agreed, “Last time you told us somethin was wrong, Tiger Lily scared us! Where is she hiding Peter?”

“That’s just it; I don’t know where she is. I’m off to find her. Stay here.”

“Who’s in charge while your gone, Peter?” Sachet asked, hoping that it would be him.

“No one, I won’t be gone long.”

“But-but what if the mermaids come and-“

“Mermaids? Mermaids can’t walk on land.” Copper stated.

“Oh, be quiet Copper! What if the faeries enable the mermaids to fly and so they come to our home and-and try to…to-to take our clothes!” 

“Alright, if the faeries enable the mermaids to fly and they come to our home and try to take our clothes then Sachet, you’re in charge.” Peter said, and then flew up and away on a mission to find the dear Indian Princess.

“Ok boys, you heard Peter, I’m in charge.” Sachet told them, “So I get to sit in Peter’s chair while he’s gone.”

Peter scanned the island below him for the princess, but she was no where to be seen. He decided that he must go to her village to see if she was there.

“Haw, Petah, welcome-to-our-village.” The Chief said as Peter landed softly on the grass in front of him.

“Haw, Chief,” Peter said, bowing low, “I have come for Tiger Lily.”

“She-no-here-Petah, she-say-she-go-with-you-to-find-many-treasure. You-lose-my-daughter?” He said, folding his arms around his big chest. “Me-will-not-be-happy-if-Petah-loses-Tiger-Lily.”

“I-I didn’t lose her, Chief. I simply…don’t know where she is.”

The Chief growled, “You-find-Tiger-Lily-or-you-pay-consequences.”

Peter gulped loudly as he bowed again, “Yes, Chief.” With that he flew away, of to the mermaids. If anyone knew where Tiger Lily was, it was them.

As he neared the lagoon he could hear the mermaid’s singing and splashing without a care in the world.

“Peter! Peter! Over here!” they called.

Peter kneeled on one of the rocks near where they were and they came swimming up to him.

“Hello Peter.” One said, putting her slimy, cold, hand on his, “It’s been too long since you last came to visit us.”

“I was just here this morning.” He said coolly, taking his hand back.

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