Chapter 27

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“James, we need to talk,” Kevin said as he knocked on Mr. Hart’s closed bedroom door, “Please come out.”

There was no response from inside the room.

“James, I hate talking to you through this damn door.”


“I swear if you don’t come out here I’ll unhinge the door from the frame and then you’ll be forced to talk to me.”

He thought that he heard something from inside of the bedroom and he thought that maybe he would get the honor of seeing his best friend’s face, but after a couple minutes of waiting he figured that Mr. Hart must have just rolled over in his bed or something.

He gave up. “James, they’re closing Molly’s case.” Kevin said through the door, “I just got an email from Chief.”

The bedroom door flew open causing Kevin to stumble backwards.

“They can’t!” Mr. Hart yelled. This was the first time that Kevin had seen Mr. Hart’s face in three days.

“I’m sorry, James, we haven’t found any evidence. All that we have is the letter that Molly left you and that just isn’t enough.”

“No, no! You-you can’t! You can’t just give up! We have to find her! She-she’s all that I have left!”

“I know, James, I know that you’re worried about her but there’s nothing we can do.”

“There has to be something, Kevin! Fingerprints, hair, photographs, something!”

“We’ve searched, James, there’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. That, that kid that was in the hospital the day that Molly disappeared…he left no trace. There’s no fingerprints, no hair. The only thing we found was a small amount of glitter. I think it was the same stuff that was on the letter that Molly left you.”

“That’s evidence, Kevin! That’s evidence!”

“In what way? There’s no way that that could have any traceable DNA on it.”

Mr. Hart grabbed Kevin by the shoulders, “Do you still have it?”

“Yeah, I put it into an evidence bag, but it’s probably deep buried in the basement by now along with the letter.”

“You have to get it! You have to show the other officers, show the Chief what it can do! Then they’ll believe me!” Mr. Hart didn’t realize it, but he was shaking Kevin with every word that he said.

Kevin loosed himself from his friend’s grip, “James, that’s crazy! There is no way that I could get authorization to get into the basement for that.”

“Then you’ll have to sneak in and steal it.” Mr. Hart said simply.


“You want me to do what, Dad?!” Hunter was dumbfounded. He almost spit out the bite of sandwich that was still in his mouth.

“I need you to help me, Hunter. You’re good at sneaking around, breaking into things, and lying. I should know.”

“Dad, I’ve broken into junkyards and abandoned warehouses. The basement at the police station? That’s a whole different story!” He got up from their small kitchen table and went into the kitchen to throw the rest of his sandwich away.

Kevin followed, “Yeah, but I’ll be there to help you this time.”

“No offense, Dad, but what could you do to help me?” Hunter walked to the sink to wash his hands off.

“For your information, I was quite the delinquent at one point in time. And you’re forgetting that I work at the police station.” This was such a weird conversation for him to be having with his son.

“So why can’t you just go down into the basement and get the bag of glitter yourself? And besides, what’s so special about a bag of glitter? You can buy that at the craft store.”

“I would have to get authorization to go down into the basement to get evidence from a closed case. For the last time, Hunter, it’s not glitter! It’s-well it sounds crazy-but its fairy dust. It can make things fly.”

“Ha! You expect me to believe that?”

“I’ve seen its power with my own eyes.” He leaned against the door frame leading into the living room, “Hunter, do you believe that Molly was taken by Peter Pan?”

This was a weird question, Hunter thought, “I don’t know…do you?”

“Well…I mean, there is no evidence that states otherwise.”

“Yeah, but it just sounds so…crazy. I mean I know that Molly has always loved the story of Peter Pan and she always talked about fantasy and ‘the magic in the air’ and that kind of stuff but, Peter Pan actually coming and taking her off to…what’s it called-Neverland? It’s just hard for me to wrap my head around…”

There was an awkward silence. They both sat there trying to think of something to say.

This was the longest conversation that Kevin and Hunter had had in years, it seemed. When Hunter was younger, they could hardly be separated. But that was when Kevin had been laid off and there had been a mother around the house. But now, between Kevin being at work and Hunter attending school and no mother around anymore to insist “family time”, they just stayed out of each others way. Kevin felt like he hardly knew his son. 

Finally, Kevin spoke, “So, are you going to help me or not?”

Hunter laughed, “I’ll think about it.” 

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