Chapter 26

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"They were married, you know," explained Wendy, "and what do you think they had?" "White rats!" cried Nibs, inspired.

The little fairy known as Tinker Bell paced slowly on the table that sat in the middle of the captain's chambers. She had yet to be invited back into the life of the boy that she admired so greatly and spent most of her time on the pirates' ship, just to spite him.

Molly sat on the opposite side of the room. Ropes held her wrists and ankles to an uncomfortable wooden chair. Her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying, but she stopped realizing that no one cared.

Her arms were covered in forming bruises. The Captain had come in many times to try to get information out of her but Molly refused to speak. Each time she refused, she would be hit. Sometimes by the Captain's hands, but most times, with whatever was within arms reach, also known as a brass candlestick holder.

Still, she tried to remain strong, though she was beaten, worn, tired, hungry, and devastated.

"Hello, deary," Captain Elisabeth chimed sarcastically as she stomped into the room, slamming the door behind her.

The pixie flew from the table and hid herself behind a small light sensing that the Captain was in another one of her moods.

Molly readjusted herself in her seat and held her head up high, hoping that she looked confident.

The Captain paced the room for a second, thinking, then slammed her fists down onto the table, rattling it harshly and tipping over a bottle of ink. "It isn't fair, ya know?" she stated, pacing around again, "One hundred and fifty two years I've been here, have I. I have roamed these islands thousands of times. I've seen every precious sight, I've memorized every stone, and still, I have not been able to find what I'm looking for. I have no need for pixie dust, if I wanted it I could have it. I don't need to know where the Lost Boys and their leader live, I've known that. I don't even want the orb anymore! I only needed that to get rid of dear Peter for a mere moment." she twirled around on the heels of her boots so that she was facing Molly. "'What is it that you want?' you ask? Ha! I want many things, deary. Fortune, power, youth," she was standing right in front of Molly now. She leaned down so that their noses were almost touching, "Love," she whispered, emphasizing the word to make sure that it stung.

Molly scrunched her nose and turned her head; the Captain's breath was rancid.

"Ha, ha, ha, but that's not what I'm after," the Captain continued, "What I want, is Captain James Hook's very last vile of poison. It is said, ya know, that the poison is made of tears that the infamous Captain shed himself!" she walked back across the room as she said this, "Oh, but these were no tears of sadness, nor happiness, these were tears of jealousy, hatred, and lust." she sat on the table now with her legs crossed, twirling a strand of matted hair around her tattooed finger, "I know you must be dying to know why I would ever want such a thing. You see, jealousy, hatred, and lust, they are powerful emotions. More powerful than happiness or love. All I have to do is to get my hands on it, and I would have the power to rid Neverland of Peter Pan forever! And this is where you come in my dear, dear Molly. That acorn that you hold around your neck holds all the secrets to Neverland's power. You simply ask it what you're looking for and it will bring you to it!"

The Captain hopped off of the table and waltzed over to Molly. She grabbed the acorn that rested on her chest and yanked hard, snapping the chain that held it around Molly's neck.

"No!" Molly yelled, "You can't kill him!"

"I've nothing against the lad, really," the Captain went on, ignoring Molly's pleas, "But if I can get rid of Peter, then I can have full control over Neverland! Of course, I would have to wipe out some of the Indians but you can also do that for me."

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