Chapter 20

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“’She is not very polite. She says you are a great ugly girl, and that she is my fairy.’”                

Her! She’s here! I cannot believe that he had the nerve to bring her here!” Tinker Bell thought as she paced around her small room. She examined herself in her mirror as she often did. It had been just that morning when she flew into the home under the ground with a small sack of berries for the boys to eat for breakfast. When she arrived into the home she saw that they were already sitting down eating a wonderful meal and that is when she saw her. She was sitting next to Peter! Her Peter! Instructing the boys to eat with their mouths closed and not to lick their fingers! And they listened to her! All except Curly, he was sitting in the corner with a time out for not listening.

He didn’t even tell her that he was back! That he was alive! She thought that he had died and that he would never come back but there he was, laughing with her.

After all this time, Tinker Bell had been by Peter’s side, helping him, guiding him, laughing and enjoying all of the wonders that Neverland had to offer with him, but she was not enough. He just had to have his Wendy, even if he had to settle for one of her decedents. It didn’t help at all that she looked just like her, beautiful in every way. She talked like her, walked like her, told stories equivalent to hers, she wore her necklace that had saved her from Tootles those many years ago, and she even wore some of the garments that Wendy wore when she was here but left behind. Peter had insisted that Molly wore them instead of those ‘outrageously uncomfortable modern clothes’

Outraged, she took off her shoe and threw it at the glass that she used for a mirror and shattered it into a million pieces.

She heard a small gasp come from beyond the maple leaves that she used as a doorway. Suddenly, she, opened Tinker Bell’s little curtain, and said, “Oh, Tink, your mirror!”

Tinker Bell looked her up and down with a scowl on her face. Molly was holding a broom, Peter must have already put her to work doing chores for him. She went across the room and grabbed a small feather duster from a high shelf and placed the broom against the wall and went back over to Tinker Bell.

“Here Tink, let me help you clean that up before you cut yourself,”

“No! Stop that! I do not need your help you self righteous troll!” Tinker Bell screamed, forgetting that Molly could not only understand her language.

Molly only smiled a bit, her eyebrows furrowed together as she tried to guess what Tink had just said. She decided that she must have been saying ‘Thank you’ so she said, “You’re welcome,” and smiled sweetly at the small faerie that was jumping about.

“Oh the nerve of that insolent, brainless, child!” Tinker Bell thought, that was the last straw. She picked up a handful of the shards of glass before Molly could clean it up and flew at her, stabbing her with the glass.

“Oh! Tinker Bell – stop it! What are you doing!? Peter!”

As Tinker Bell ran out of glass to throw, she settled for some old-fashioned fun and started to pull Molly’s hair, dragging her across the room and knocking her head against the rock wall.

“Peter!” Molly screamed.

Hearing the screams of his boys’ new mother, our boy hero dashed into the small home, and seeing the blood that was trickling from Molly’s arms, darted over to the speck of light that was causing all of this trouble.

“Tinker Bell! You stop this at once!” he ordered, lunging at her, trying to catch her like a lightening bug.

At long last, he snatched her and untangled her from Molly’s hair. Molly, growing dizzy for her head had been banged against the wall repeatedly, sank to the floor.

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