Chapter Eleven

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Lily let out a small laugh at Eve's words, "But witches are awesome right?"

"I guess so," Eve said sarcastically.

"Rude," Lily said smacking Eve's arm, but her smile gave her away, "Anyways, since wizards are such idiots, what's true."

"We do have a temper," Eve admitted, "Though I think that's the only thing they got right about us. Though they got everything else wrong. There are both female and male Faeries, though we refer to males as Fae, and there are two kinds of Faery. There are the woodland Faeries, like myself, and we make home in the trees of the forest- with said tree's permission of course. Then, there're the sprite Faeries. They live in the water among the mermaids and grindylows.

"In fact, every Faery has a twin," Eve said, "One that was born as a woodland, and the other born as a sprite. I haven't met my twin yet, though, most never do."

"Really?" Lily asked, green eyes wide with interest and curiosity.

"Yes," Eve nodded with a smile.

"What if I helped you find your sprite twin?"

"You'd do that?" Eve asked.

Lily smiled brightly, "Of course! I've only known you for a short while, and in that time you stood up for an old friend of mine you didn't even know, and you've been completely honest to me. You also didn't attack me when I offended you- like I'm doing now."

"Thank you, Flower," Eve smiled.

"Your welcome, Eve."

Eve and Lily ended up spending the remainder of the day outside. Eve telling Lily about Faeries and answering all of her questions whilst Lily told her about her family and what Hogwarts was like. Once Lily had to start her prefect duties, Eve bid her goodnight and went back to her home in the Forbidden Forest.

Lily, after finishing her prefect duties, immediately went back to Gryffindor common room. When she entered through the painting, she was met with James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all sitting on the sofa in front of the fire, and her mood immediately fell.

She glared at all four of the boys as she made her way across the common room and up to the girls dorms.

"Hey, Evans!" James shouted when he spotted her.

She turned around and glared at him harshly. If looks could kill, James would be dead ten times over, "What do you want, Potter?!"

"Will you-?" James started to ask the question he had been asking her practically since they first met.

"No, I will not, nor will I ever go out with you! You foul some, arrogant toerag! Now LEAVE ME ALONE, POTTER!" Lily yelled before stomping her way up the girls staircase and into her dormitory where her roommates slept peacefully.

"Tough luck, Prongs," Sirius said with a small laugh as he patted James on the back after Lily left for her dorm.

"She loves me," James said confidently, "We'll get married some day."

Sirius just rolled his eyes before looking over to Remus, "Speaking of future wives, what's up with yours, Moony?"

"What?" Remus frowned at him.

"You know, that girl- Eve- the black eyes, defending Snivellus," Sirius said, "I think you should find a new girlfriend mate, she looks like a demon."

"She's not my girlfriend," Remus said, "That's the first I've seen her since October, anyhow. I don't even know what you're talking about, anyways."

"You didn't see it?" Peter asked with a squeak, "She was terrifying. The whites of her eyes turned black. She looked ready to kill James."

"Eve?" Remus asked; unbelieving of what his friend were saying, "Sweet, innocent, Eve?"

"Yeah!" Sirius said, "She looked like a monster!"

Fae In The Fire, lily evans ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat